The Firebird Commandline Utilities book has been split into separate manuals.
The Firebird Commandline Utilities book has been split into separate manuals.
Firebird’s gsec User Management tool (html)
Firebird’s gfix Database Housekeeping tool (html)
Firebird’s gsplit Dumpfile Splitting tool (html)
Firebird’s Shell Script tools (html)
Honestly the best way to deal with Firebird’s command line utilities would be to deprecate and drop them.
I mean to drop most of them in favour of SQL extensions.
Example, complete SQL based user management should lead to deprecation of gsec, fblockprint should be replaced by a system view, there should be only one backup tool, not two, some of the gfix features should be available as SQL commands, leaving an external tool only for emergency recovery, not for housekeeping.
Well, just my 2c, but that’s my feeling.