Last week of XAMPP 2012 survey
This is the last week for XAMPP 2012 survey
Please take part and let us know how you use XAMPP with Firebird and what you expect in the future (eg: Firebird to be included in the default install options)
This is the last week for XAMPP 2012 survey
Please take part and let us know how you use XAMPP with Firebird and what you expect in the future (eg: Firebird to be included in the default install options)
Install xampp to c:\xampp
I had to change the Apache Port to 8080 as windows 7 has its own http.sys listening on Port 80.
Then I followed mainly this article
As I already had a working Firebird 2.5 version, I simply copied fbclient.dll from my existing Firebird/bin folder to c:\xampp\apache\bin
modified php.ini as mentioned in above blog post
I had to modify status.php and FirebirdTest.php a bit because of my existing Firebird installation and the different Apache port:
line($TEXT[‘status-ssi’], $ssi);
if (file_exists(“$partwampp\\htdocs\\xampp\\FirebirdTest.php”)) {
$a = @file(“http://{$hostauth}{$host}:8080/xampp/FirebirdTest.php”);
$fbi = $a[0];
line(“Firebird”, $fbi);
if(@ibase_connect(‘localhost:C:\Program Files (x86)\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\examples\empbuild\employee.fdb’, ‘sysdba’,’myfirebirdpassword’)) {
echo “OK”;
} else {
echo “NOK”;
http://localhost:8080/xampp/FirebirdTest.php then should return ‘OK’
From Frank <frank at>
“Fascinating creatures, phoenixes, they can carry immensely heavy loads,
their tears have healing powers and they make highly faithful pets.”
– J.K. Rowling
Please vote on this survey if you agree to Firebird to become more popular in Php/Python world and to be added to the XAMPP package
The download counter on for all downloads is over 5 Millions , and the stats shows that traffic is growing
[ps:we should talk with the xampp guys to include php extension for firbird and the server]