Flamerobin 0.9.3 svn revision 210x included in next #Ubuntu release 11.10 : Oneiric Ocelot
Here is the changelog . Revision 2106 already imported from debian sid.
Here is the changelog . Revision 2106 already imported from debian sid.
Here is the chage log so there will be no need to add stable Firebird 2.5 ppa in Ubuntu Natty just follow the install instructions.
Thanks to Damyan and all who contributed to solve this sync bug
Here is the guide updated to current ubuntu releases also one thing to notice is php pdo is now core module and should not be installed from pecl repository
Today Firebird 2.5 final packages is uploaded to the Debian testing repository
Soon it will be moved to Debian testing and Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal
Seems that readline does have utf-8 support and can be used for inserting/selecting accented chars
Check if libedit is used instead of readline
ldd /usr/bin/isql-fb | grep libedit
libedit.so.2 => /usr/lib/libedit.so.2 (0x00007f3dcbd7b000)
export LD_PRELOAD=/lib/libreadline.so.6
check if is preloaded
ldd /usr/bin/isql-fb | grep readline
/lib/libreadline.so.6 (0x00007fc661d22000)
Then use isql-fb as usual
SQL> select * from employee where first_name = ‘ő’
New snapshot of firebird 3.0 is uploaded from debian experimental for testing and here are some numbers compared with firebird 2.5.1
There is a new version of phpbb3 (3.0.8) so I have updated the guide for Ubuntu (Maverick or Lucid) and it will work without issues in Debian too.
Firebird 2.5 for Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid is now added in ppa and can be installed using this guide
I have updated the guide and the repository for Ubuntu Maverick to include the Firebird 3.0 Pre Alpha
This is just the upload from debian experimental is and is really prea alpha (so it’s only intended for testers)
Please report any problems you may encounter. The packages should be installable right away (and automaticly remove any existing firebird2.x ones)
I have updated the guide and the repository for Ubuntu Maverick to include the latest Firebird 2.5 stable