sqlalchemy-firebird 0.7.5 released
sqlalchemy-firebird 0.7.5 is released with a few fixes for Firebird 4
sqlalchemy-firebird 0.7.5 is released with a few fixes for Firebird 4
An experimental dialect for the Firebird python driver : fdb is added with this version please use it with Firebird >= 2.5.2
There were some issues with building the driver and Firebird 2.5.1 on Mac
Pyrit’s storage code was abstracted and refactored which makes it possible to use relational databases like firebird
The benefit: Create a central mysql/pgsql/mssql/oracle/firebird/sqlite-server somewhere on your network and let multiple Pyrit-clients access and work on the central server for good; enjoy the blessings of ACID, partitioning, automatic backup, replication and fine-grained user authentication.