SplendidCRM on FirebirdSQL demo page and Database structure
SplendidCRM (version C# of SugarCRM) is ported from MSSQL over to
FirebirdSQL 2.5.2
It is in a “testable” debug version on this url http://zeos.tetrasys.eu
username : user
password : user
This changes from the usual will/will
It is the “community” version and I would like to have your feedback on their added value in a CRM, before carrying over the enterprise modules.
Two precision/information points:
1) One is on a small DSL in Finland, so your GSM has more disponibility and bandwidth
2) the data structure is available for viewing here http://blog.tetrasys.eu/zeos-firebirdsql-structure.aspx
Your comments are welcome
I will add one more comment from the Firebird porter :
Thanks to Firebird, the memory and processing space has been reduced with two thirds when migrated from MSSQL to FirebirdSQL.
Why don’t everybody switch over to Firebird?