firebird2.0 security bug is now fixed in debian/gentoo

There is an grave security bug in firebird package 2.0 from debian and ubuntu
where an user can connect to the server with SYSDBA and NO password

The bug is now fixed in debian sid (unstable)
and here is the changelog

firebird2.0-super.init: stop exporting ISC_USER and ISC_PASSWORD.
Fixes a hole causing remote connections as user SYSDBA to succeed
without giving a password.
Closes: #481389 and CVE-2008-1880

New Firebird packages fix several vulnerabilities in debian

This Debian security advisory is a bit unusual. While it’s normally
our strict policy to backport security bugfixes to older releases, this
turned out to be infeasible for Firebird 1.5 due to large infrastructural
changes necessary to fix these issues. As a consequence security support
for Firebird 1.5 is hereby discontinued, leaving two options to
administrators running a Firebird database:

Firebird remote BOF POC

Firebird Remove Buffer Overflow Proof of concept was posted on BugTraq

The bug is the one fixed in the next stable releases and is not present in firebird 2.1 rc1& rc2 here is the description:

Integer overflow in Firebird SQL 1.0.3 and earlier, 1.5.x before 1.5.6, 2.0.x before 2.0.4, and 2.1.x before 2.1.0 RC1 might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code

Firebird Relational Database ‘protocol.cpp’ XDR Protocol Remote Memory Corruption Vulnerability

Firebird is prone to an integer-overflow vulnerability because it fails to ensure that integer values aren’t overrun. Attackers may exploit this issue to overflow a buffer and to corrupt process memory.

Attackers may be able to execute arbitrary machine code in the context of an affected application. Failed exploit attempts will likely result in a denial-of-service condition.

Firebird is alive and secure

The following was sent to Charles Babcock at Information week in reply to an article entitled:

Open Source Code Contains Security Holes

As a developer and administrator of the Firebird Project I completely reject the statement you made in the above article.

“The somewhat moribund Firebird project, for example, is listed with 195 identified defects, of which it has verified zero and fixed zero. The active Firefox browser project, on the other hand,
has fixed 370 bugs, verified 56 and faces another 246 to verify and fix.”

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