Installing Firebird Active Record for Ruby
Here is how to install fb_adapter for Rails on Ubuntu (It didn’t had any README so i had to figure it out on the Train to the Ruby Meetingwhere I will talk a little about Firebird and Ruby)
Here is how to install fb_adapter for Rails on Ubuntu (It didn’t had any README so i had to figure it out on the Train to the Ruby Meetingwhere I will talk a little about Firebird and Ruby)
Here is the discussion with the new inclusion in Ruby Sequel (Sequel is a lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby)
Here are my notes for installing and testing Fireruby on Ubuntu
Firebird Extension Library for Ruby is now at version 0.5.9 , Only in Github repository , and now is in RubyForge
The examples are very clean compared with what i have seen in cake or other RoR inspired frameworks
On Firebird-tools Pierre Yager asked about Firebird Ruby ActiveRecord Adapter
Does any one knows any project on maintaining an ActiveRecord-Firebird-Adapter?
How to use a Rails App with Firebird DB 1.5 encoding: NONE and with accents
I have a decent desktop accounting type application written in Delphi against a Firebird database that should have a piece exposed on the web. Maybe, in time, there should even be a web based version of the entire program on the web.