Tag: qt
Make #Qt applications work with Firebird #Database using #IBPP
I quote the article :
In the last post, we have already figure out how to connect to the firebird database in Linux/UNIX environment. In this post, I will use application built in Qt framework to connect the firebird database and do simply task.
To allowing Qt applications connect to the firebird database, we need some tools, here I introduce the IBPP project.
Building the #Qt FireBird #SQL driver with #MinGW on #Windows
The Qt toolkit contains many great SQL drivers and among them is also an InterBase / FireBird SQL driver. But the Windows version of the toolkit ships with SQLite and ODBC driver binaries only. The other ones have to be built by ourseleves. This article describes how to build the FireBird driver using MinGW 32bit version of Qt 4.6 for Windows.
Get Started with #QT and #Embedded FireBird
This article is the description of the first steps in setting QT, Visual Studio and FireBird.
#Qt 4.5.3 Released with Firebird #Database fixes
Qt 4.5.3 is now available. 4.5.3 is a patch level release providing various bug-fixes over the 4.5.2 release that we issued in late-June.
You can see the full changelog here
with the related Firebird fix (Database Drivers section)
– Fixed ::record for dialect 3 named tables in interbase/firebird.
qt 4.5.1 released with firebird fixes
Kevora IDE for Firebird
New QT based IDE for Firebird Kevora
Recently, Kevora also supports Firebird or Interbase access. Despite this database does not have schemas, Kevora will place all objects below a “virtual” rdb$relations schema.
The tools we use to produce Kevora are:
- * Qt Creator or QDevelop.
* Qt Designer.
* Qt Linguist.
* GCC compiler and g++ (on Linux).
* MinGW (on Windows).
* InstallJammer or BitRock InstallBuilder for Qt.
People Around Firebird – Daniel Albuschat
Today i have discovered this little gem on github , It’s an Asynchronous database-access for Qt and Firebird
So in this post i open an series of interviews or introductions with people around firebird
Installing qt4.5 with Firebird support on Ubuntu
Here are the notes for Installing qt4.5 with Firebird support and running the db demo (tested on ubuntu jaunty but it should work on intrepid too)
QT framework v4.5 to be released under LGPL
Thomas wrote this on the firebird-general mailing list
pretty off-topic here, but IMHO even interesting for Firebird users,
because Firebird/InterBase can be accessed via the QT framework.
Formerly licensed under GPL and a commercial license for closed source
development, releasing QT under LGPL is a very “interesting” move from
Especially for QT-based embedded devices, Firebird might be an
interesting option for an embeddable database, if:
* there is a stable Firebird specific (not the current InterBase one,
even if it might work now) QT SQL driver/module implementation available
* Firebird is cross-compilable for ARM, … (something which has been
discussed on firebird-devel from time to time. AFAIK, there is a private
ARM port of Firebird somewhere)
Ah well, just letting you know …