Tag: python
web2py – RoR like python framework with Firebird support
The examples are very clean compared with what i have seen in cake or other RoR inspired frameworks
Dabo 0.9.0 Released
Dabo 0.9.0 is the first official release of the framework in six months. Dabo is a desktop application framework for Python and it supports Firebird, of course.
Firebird Python Driver KInterbasDB 3.3 Released
Source and binary distributions for Windows are ready for download at
Completely reworked and extended documentation is also available
on-line at http://www.firebirdsql.org/devel/python/docs/3.3.0/
There Are no binary Linux packages of
KInterbasDB, only Windows ones, because you can easily install
KInterbasDB on Linux from source package by using: python setup.py build
and install commands (Python version of make; make install). Everything
what you need for successful source install is GCC and Firebird
See this page for details .
SQLAlchemy 0.5.0 Released
The first official release of the 0.5 series is now available. This version packs a huge amount of change since 0.4 including multiple paradigm shifts in usage as well as countless bugfixes and behavioral and speed improvements. Through a series of prereleases, 0.5 is already on production systems and has been extensively tested by dozens of users. With the first 0.5 release, 0.6 is underway as well and will be where Py3k support is targeted. SQLAlchemy 0.5 is available for download on the download page. A comprehensive migration document is at 05Migration.
There is at least one firebird-specific change:
- Added support for returning values from inserts (2.0+ only), updates and deletes (2.1+ only).
SQLObject 0.10.3 released
Released 1 Dec 2008.
- A number of changes ported from SQLObject 0.9.8.
Progress on kinterbasdb 3.3 – xmas present
The initial version of kinterbasdb v3.3 was committed to subversion
(trunk). It’s basically v3.3 by David Rushby + fixes to v3.2 line we
made to make it work with FB 2.1. Source tarball and windows binaries
for fb 2.x & python 2.5/2.6 for testing should be available soon. Now
I’m working on documentation as this version introduces some important
new functionality (above all support for multiple transactions per
connection). I’ll also check the transliteration issue. If everything
would go smoothly, you can expect the final release before Christmas 😉
best regards
Pavel Cisar
Pure Python Firebird Library
On Firebird Python mailing list there is an interesting thread about rewriting Firebird Python Driver
Here is Pavel response
Firebird-Python and Character set issues – From Bug/Post of the day dept
After a long interruption I’m back at Firebird and kinterbasdb and I’m
just also back at character set troubles, my favorite pastim
Fresh KInterbasDb 3.2.1 Patch Release
Firebird Project releases a patch release for KInterbasDB 3.2 that fixes some issues with transaction parameters and services when working with Firebird 2.1. |