Crunchyfrog an Sql client / Rdbms frontend for Gnome and Ubuntu
Crunchyfrog an gtk sql client/Rdbms frontend for gnome and ubuntu seems that Firebird is supported and seems to be written in python
Crunchyfrog an gtk sql client/Rdbms frontend for gnome and ubuntu seems that Firebird is supported and seems to be written in python
Web2py new release with Firebird issues fixed
A problem with Auth and a Firebird “password” issue were fixed. auth.settings.create_user_groups was added.
The call for an extra hand for testing people who are python/django experts the code is already in svn :
I’m Maximiliano Robaina (maxirobaina) and I’m working on the django-firebird backend implementation. The original google project, started by Ivan Illarionov, was deprecated because he hasn’t any time to port it to django 1.x
The django db backend has many changes, therefore, the Ivan version don’t work any more.
For this, I upload my django-firebird version which is compatible with django 1.1 beta-1., Firebird 1.5 and Firebird 2.x
The next step (for me) is to replace the svn version with my code and reorganize the repository (I will need some help for it)Are you interested in continuing to participate on this?
If the answer is yes, plase contact to me to coordinate.
In an related blog to new django backend release from the nagami blog :
Once, I wrote Django firebird backend
But it is not good work on Django subversion trunk today. (Target is moving !)
So I catch it up. ( Thanks Maxi )
I hope it works on Django 1.1 release.
I’m happy to announce the public release of PowerConsole v0.7.
What is PowerConsole
In short, PowerConsole is enhanced python interpreter that can host user defined commands. Uses pyparsing-based grammars for user commands to translate them into python calls, so it has limited support for mixing them with Python code.
Here is the guide (in Italian) for installing Firebird and Python driver on Ubuntu
Seems to be an Python console that works on IronPython
Another happy Firebird and Python user and programmer
For more than a year I’m employed by a company called Smantics Kommunikationsmanagement GmbH as a Python developer. The company offers multiple services related to communcation and its management in our modern world. Most of the time I’m working on the server part of a software stack called Visual Library.
The heart of the Visual Library software stack is a Python driven web application server. It’s built on top of CherryPy framework and driven by a Firebird database. The server utilizes a cornucopia of open source third party packages as well as commercial and proprietary software. The most noticable Python packages are lxml for XML and XSL(T), reportlab for PDF creation, Cython for optimization / library bindings and PyLucene for full text search.
I’ve written this quite some time ago (and it didn’t receive much love since then, but it’s functional and should be bug-free), but I just noticed I haven’t mentioned it on my blog: fbsql is a clean C-API that can be used to create bindings for other languages (such as Python or Ruby). It’s much simpler to use than the raw Interbase/Firebird API and it uses IBPP internally. So it’s basically just forwarding the function calls to IBPP and abstracting the IBPP classes to a C interface that is straight forward and intuitive.
Linux can be of any common Linux distributions, but I prefer CentOS 5, and Firebird RDBMS is FirebirdSS 2.1.1 for Linux.
Since there are too many applications, really too many, to run on FLAP, it is impossible to list them all, or even impossible to list most of
them here, I just list the most commonly used FLAP applications here. If you are running any other FLAP applications, it would be a great
honour for me if I could have them listed/linked here.
Below are two simple Python scripts (not involving dabo) just showing how to connect to Firebird and do a simple task using wxPython.
(1) The first script lets the user go into the File menu and select a Firebird database, and then it displays (do-nothing) buttons in a wxPython Sizer object down the left side of the window, one for each table (and view) in the database.
(2) The second script is hard-coded to open a particular Firebird database and display a particular table in a grid. (Before running, you will need to go into this script and change the hard-coded sections so they are appropriate for your system. You’ll need to change the host and database parameters and the SQL statement – and maybe also the user and password parameters. Look for the lines preceded by a comment starting with ###.)