Firebird Python driver FDB 1.4 is released with new features

FDB release 1.4 is out:

Here is the changelog and the list of bugs fixed

New Features:

* fdb.schema submodule extended with support for user privileges.


* method to load information about user from server.
* fdb.ibase content cleanup and additions.
* fdb.blr submodule with BLR definitions.

Bugs Fixed:

* PYFB-37 – Unicode Strings incorrect not allowed for insertion into BLOB SubType 1.

Django Firebird current status

Maximiliano Robaina announced django firebird driver status related to django 1.6 :

I’m pleased to announce that django-firebird with django 1.6 support is underway.

Django 1.6 is still in alpha state, so django-firebird 1.6 too.
Then, you can see the current status at the master branch . The master branch has the “in develop” version. If you need stable support (django 1.5) take a look at stable/1.5.x

What are the changes in database field?
The main changes is on transaction management and including BinaryField
Django 1.6 release notes

Firebird Python driver FDB 1.3 is released

FDB release 1.3 is out:

Here is the changelog and the list of bugs fixed

New Features

* fdb.monitor submodule for access to / work with monitoring tables.
* New fdb.Connection.monitor property for access to monitoring tables.


* closed property and clear() method for Schema.
* Unit tests reworked.

Bugs Fixed

* Unregistered: Bug in fdb.schema.Schema.close() and

Next version 1.4 will provide access to/work with privileges to database

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Django1.5.x Firebird driver with Python 3.x support ready for testing

Maximiliano Robaina wrote about Python3 fixes for the Firebird Django driver :

I just pushed up a new commit into django-firebird github repository [1] with several python 3 fixes.
If anybody can test it with python 3 and report any issue, it will be appreciated.

Take into account that this improvements are available into github repository, not on PyPI yet. Pull requests are welcome 😉


My First Firebird and Python application

Ido Kanner (ik_5) wrote on his blog about his First Firebird and Python application :

It’s that time of the year again – I’m required to learn new technology due to a project requirement.
The requirement is to write something using django, but I do not know django or Python.

So I’ve started my first project using the Python language, just to have a feel for it.

Firebird-Mezzanine = Firebird and Django’s WordPress alternative : Mezzanine

Here are my install instructions on Ubuntu/Debian for Mezzanine CMS
First install Firebird 2.5.2 , Then install django and fdb driver
sudo pip install django
sudo pip install fdb
sudo pip install mezzanine
Install django-firebird driver like is described on the github page
Create new mezzanine project:
mezzanine-project firebird-mezzanine
cd firebird-mezzanine
create empty database from isql-fb / flamerobin
SQL> create database “localhost:/var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/firebird-mezzanine.fdb” user ‘SYSDBA’ password ‘masterkey’;
SQL> quit;
create local config for firebird
python createdb
python runserver
look at the first results after the wordpress import (i was so impressed that i have removed the old account)
next step : blogspot import is in progress
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