sqlalchemy-firebird 0.7.5 released
sqlalchemy-firebird 0.7.5 is released with a few fixes for Firebird 4
sqlalchemy-firebird 0.7.5 is released with a few fixes for Firebird 4
New release of legacy FDB driver for Python v2.0.2 is available for download.
Here is the Changelog and with the list of Bugs Fixed
PyFirebirdSql 1.2.0 is released with following changes:
New release of Firebird driver for Python v1.3.0 is available for download with Improved Firebird 4 support.
The firebird-driver package provides official Python Database API 2.0-compliant driver. In addition to the minimal feature set of the standard Python DB API, this driver also exposes the new (interface-based) client API introduced in Firebird 3, and number of additional extensions and enhancements for convenient use of Firebird RDBMS. The driver is written as pure-Python package (requires Python 3.8+) on top of Firebird client library (fbclient.so/dll) using ctypes. Driver supports Firebird version 3.0 and higher.
You can download this driver from PyPI or or install it using pip.
PyFirebirdSql 1.1.3 is released with following changes:
django-firebird 1.11 final release available on pypi
News via twitter
django-firebird 1.11 final release available on pypi
— maxi (@maxirobaina) October 17, 2018
PyFirebirdSql 1.1.0 is released with following changes:
– Firebird4 DecFloat support
– Modify statement allocate, drop treatment
– Add factory parameter in cursor() method.
– Add client process pid and name to op_attach (See the related golang driver change https://github.com/nakagami/firebirdsql/pull/60)
Maximiliano Robaina announced django-firebird 1.6 beta
A few days of the Django 1.6 was released, django-firebird is now in beta 1 stage. Feel free to fork from master branch or download and try it.
Remember that is using fdb as a default driver.
Any feedback is welcome.
SQLAlchemy release 0.8.2 is now available.
0.8.2 includes several dozen bug fixes and new features, including refinement of some of the new features
introduced in 0.8.
Here are the Firebird related bugfixes