Django1.5.x Firebird driver with Python 3.x support ready for testing

Maximiliano Robaina wrote about Python3 fixes for the Firebird Django driver :

I just pushed up a new commit into django-firebird github repository [1] with several python 3 fixes.
If anybody can test it with python 3 and report any issue, it will be appreciated.

Take into account that this improvements are available into github repository, not on PyPI yet. Pull requests are welcome šŸ˜‰


Official Firebird driver FDB release 0.7.2 is out with Support for Python 3 and Distributed Transactions

FDB release 0.7.2 is out:

Highlights for this release:
ā€“ Python 3 Support (thanks to Philippe Makowski)
ā€“ Support for Distributed Transactions
ā€“ Support for NBACKUP Service
ā€“ Support for Trace Service

And as always, some bugs fixed.

Main target for next version: support for Firebird Events.

Note: Iā€™m really glad that Philippe joined the FDB team, especially to look after Python 3 support (but not only that). Thanks!

You can also read the announcement on firebird-python list