#AnyDAC Summer 2011 v 5.0.1 – #Delphi Components for Firebird, Interbase and more

DA-SOFT Technologies announces the availability of AnyDAC for Delphi Summer 2011 release v – high-speed, Universal Data Access Components for Firebird, Interbase, SQLite, MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MS Access, IBM DB2, Sybase SQL Anywhere, Informix, Advantage, DbExpress, ODBC, that simplifies the task of building Embarcadero Delphi, C++Builder and Free Pascal Compiler database applications.

AnyDAC for Delphi can be immediately downloaded from the download page.

What is new in v5.0.1 and what is AnyDAC ?

Why I find MySQL to be so bad compared to Firebird

MySQL is the most used Open Source database engine. I have personally used it for almost 10 years. I worked with versions 3.x, 4.x and 5.x of MySQL, but I also used other database engines, some of them handling the same “data-set size” as MySQL, while others have been smaller databases (mostly Desktop based databases such as SQLite, MS-Access and Paradox).

This is the first part of my complaint about MySQL and why I dislike it.

Me on Marc Fleury on Sun purchase of MySQL – replaceable lamp bricks

The last post was supposed to be this one, but I got distracted on how I found it

Whether you’re using Postgres, SQLite, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, HSQLD, Firebird, Derby, or whatever, you’re benefiting from the popularity of MySQL. If you’re still using Progress, dBase, or Sybase, maybe not.

My point is that MySQL did for databases what Netscape did for the internet, what Apache did for web servers, what Star Office did for alternate word processors, what Sendmail did for email servers, and what JBoss did for J2EE.

[ED Here is my reply :Bricks can be replaced in the lamp
Why they always forget the MTA or DNS?
They are critical parts of the clusters
Sendmail is replaced by postfix or qmail if you are a sane person (in ubuntu postfix is by default)
Apache is replaced by lighttpd and nginix – better webservers IMHO
mysql by firebird or postgresql
linux kernel is good enough and is better than win or solaris (if you want wamp or samp)

php can be replaced by ruby or perl or python (if it becames bloated like java in version 6.x) ]

Evaluating open-source DBs -Firebird Enterprise ready ?

The thread is on joelonsoftware.com and the question is about open source databases  :

Quick issue, everyone.  My company currently uses SQL Server, but we’re going to look at open-source databases because of MS’s crooked licensing rules (to be honest, they only have one SQL license, and are running it on a two-processor machine).  They don’t want to shell out the extra $6,000 for another one, and I don’t blame them.

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