#Perl DBI driver for Firebird version 0.53 released
This fixes the build issue with perl 5.14.
Also i have tagged this with release 0.53 in git repository.
The cpan tar is be available here http://search.cpan.org/~mariuz/.
This fixes the build issue with perl 5.14.
Also i have tagged this with release 0.53 in git repository.
The cpan tar is be available here http://search.cpan.org/~mariuz/.
Mageia is a Mandriva Fork and is Perl friendly and become more and more Ruby friendly
Now the perl DBD Firebird driver landed in the Mageia repository
Also i have tagged the release with release 0.52 in git
The cpan tar is be available here http://search.cpan.org/~mariuz/
There is only one test left to be fixed
Thanks Stefan for the help and fixes 🙂
Why it was needed and rationale:
Firebird sql forked from interbase and needs a new namespace for the drivers too also the drivers needs to be separated some things in the api and sql dialect are different and sooner or later there is a need for this separation also the DBD::InterBase seems to be unmaintained
DBD::Firebird is registered in perl cpan’s module list and soon we will upload the first tar.gz release (when is considered stable enough)
Until then the module is hosted in github and can be used and tested :
Stefan has improved the Windows support also fixed many tests , here are some of the commit messages:
Improved support for MinGW, added support for ActivePerl, Removed some obsolete tests, All tests, now use testlib.pl and Test::More (except 60leaks.t)
We tested Firebird perl extension and now it works with Strawberry perl (almost all the test do pass when installing the extension ) here are the steps described:
also the movie (ogv) (right click on link and save as)
Seems there are a lot of bugs and patches accumulating in the DBD::InterBase driver and the community already forked the code on github with many patches and fixes applied to the main code
I will create a renamed driver with the name DBD::Firebird in cpan from the above fork and i will apply all the patches and fix the bugs that were not fixed
There is now support for the Firebird RDBMS in the most popular ORM for
Perl, DBIx::Class, as of version 0.08121 .
Using the ODBC driver with DBD::ODBC is recommended.
There is also support for DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader, which is used to
dump schema definitions, as of version 0.06000 .
This ORM is often used with the Catalyst web framework:
I have updated the tutorial for Firebird 2.1 Classic and Ubuntu Karmic Koala
Related to this question about how to do the perl driver install on Ubuntu Karmic
More details about the release in the freshmeat changelog
TPDA (Tiny Perl Database Application) is a classic desktop, database application framework, written in Perl and pTk. TPDA has support for Firebird, Postgresql and MySQL.