Node Firebird driver node-firebird 0.6.7 is released
New release for node-firebird driver with Improved Pool Management : More efficient Pool destroy method.
New release for node-firebird driver with Improved Pool Management : More efficient Pool destroy method.
For the moment only the code , soon we will have also a blogpost about it
This is a complete demonstration of, passport, passport.socketio, firebird sql and angular.
Jugglingdb (NodeJS ORM) Firebird adapter is ready for testing
News via Henri’s tweet
Changelog for the pure JavaScript Node.js Firebird driver:
You can install or update from npmjs and you can consult the Commit History
Download and install page on npmjs
The list of 0.0.7 changes:
News via +Henri Gourvest
From Henri Gourvest wrote on google plus :
I am working on a firebird driver for node.js, this driver don’t need firebird client library and works on all platforms. Anyone interested ?
Here is the download page and you can check the Commit History for interesting changes.
It was tested with nodejs 0.6.0.
In this post, I’ll try to explain how you can use Node.js to catch events on Firebird