InfoQ: Q&A with Jiri Cincura of the Firebird Database Project about the ADO.NET provider , ORM ,EF …

Jiri Cincura was recently interviewed for InfoQ article – Q&A with Jiri Cincura of the Firebird Database Project. We touched Firebird, ADO.NET, O/RMs, Entity Framework etc. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Update: The article seems to be retracted for the moment , Don’t panic we asked why and investigate the cause (see the comments section) ,

Here is the full text from Google cache

We recently spoke with Jiri Cincura of the Firebird database project.

InfoQ: Can you tell us briefly about yourself and your role in creating the ADO.NET provider for Firebird?

Jiri: Currently I’m project lead for the ADO.NET provider for Firebird project. And actually only one active right now. I’m doing majority of development (although there are some worth contributions) and all the stuff around, like testing, releases, issue tracker watching, replying in mailing list etc.

InfoQ: And for the benefit of our readers who are unfamiliar with it, who would you describe Firebird?

FBCon 2009 München – #.NET + Firebird will be there

Jiří {x2} Činčura wrote on his blog

You can find info about conference at I’ll be speaking there too, hence if you’re interested in Firebird and .NET you should definitely come. Every day I have one session. I’ll be covering new (2.5+) protocol implementation in .NET client for Firebird 2.1, Entity Framework support (also new in 2.5) and finally you’ll see how to create Windows phone (formely PocketPC, …) application and accessing Firebird database.

Firebird (server) is back in business with Entity Framework

Via Jiri’s Blog

As you (maybe) know, there was a bug in left outer join so the model generation/update etc. in Entity Framework and similar tools was failing. The bug is now gone. Well, it’s not in some oficial release, but it’s in sources. If you want to test it, grab sources and build or grab this build (only SuperServer executable). Also take into accout, that it’s build from current sources and can be very unstable.

Firebird .NET provider and calling sp with parameters

Firebird .NET provider has ability to create parameterized queries. Both named and unnamed parameters are supported. Everything works as you expect with select, insert, delete or update commands. The tricky part comes with stored procedures. Unlike MS SQL, that has direct support for named parameters, in provider, we’re parsing parameter names and we’re sending it to server “in right order”, so developer doesn’t need to know, that internally parameters were send unnamed.

great news for firebird .net provider

Jiri wrote on the mailing list

I have a great news for you. 🙂 I’ve got offer from Paul Beach to
continue with developement of NETProvider as lead and maintaining it
etc. I’ve accepted and I’ve got some privileges to do the “maintaining
work”. So the project isn’t dead. I hope we’ll kick-up the FB & .NET.