#AnyDAC Winter 2012 v 5.0.5 – #Delphi Components for Firebird, Interbase and more

DA-SOFT Technologies announces the availability of AnyDAC for Delphi Winter 2012 release v – high-speed, Universal Data Access Components for Firebird, Interbase, SQLite, MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MS Access, IBM DB2, Sybase SQL Anywhere, Informix, Advantage, dbExpress, ODBC, that simplifies the task of building Embarcadero Delphi, C++Builder and Free Pascal Compiler database applications.

AnyDAC for Delphi can be immediately downloaded from the download page.

What is new in v5.0.5 and what is AnyDAC ?

#AnyDAC Summer 2011 v 5.0.1 – #Delphi Components for Firebird, Interbase and more

DA-SOFT Technologies announces the availability of AnyDAC for Delphi Summer 2011 release v – high-speed, Universal Data Access Components for Firebird, Interbase, SQLite, MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MS Access, IBM DB2, Sybase SQL Anywhere, Informix, Advantage, DbExpress, ODBC, that simplifies the task of building Embarcadero Delphi, C++Builder and Free Pascal Compiler database applications.

AnyDAC for Delphi can be immediately downloaded from the download page.

What is new in v5.0.1 and what is AnyDAC ?

Firebird 2.5: The Real and The Only alternative to #MySQL

The Firebird 2.5 article is in Italian language
And here is the translation (with highlights from Firebird 2.5 press release)

l progetto Firebird ha da poco annunciato il rilascio della versione 2.5 del suo database relazionale opensource.

Le novità di questa release sono abbastanza interessanti ma ovviamente gli sforzi maggiori sono stati fatti per migliorare l’affidabilità, le performance e la scalabilità del database. Philippe Makowski, presidente della fondazione non-profit Firebird Foundation ha dichiarato che il rilascio di Firebird 2.5 è un passo importante sia per il progetto stesso, visto che cade in questi giorni il suo decimo anni di vita, che per l’intero mondo opensource.

D’altronde, come dargli torto: la comunità sta cercando ormai da un bel po’ di tempo un degno sostituto di MySQL che, nonostante i proclami di Oracle, pare sempre più lontano dall’iniziale predisposizione all’opensource. “Molti nostri clienti utilizzano senza grossi problemi database Firebird che spaziano dai 200 ai 400GB”, ha dichiarato Stewart Sping, CTO della Watermark Software. “I miglioramenti delle performance di Firebird 2.5 permetteranno sicuramente di raggiungere risultati ancora più entusiasmanti”. Firebird 2.5 è disponibile sotto forma di pacchetti binari per piattaforme Windows e Linux a 32 e 64 bit. Maggiori informazioni e download sono disponibili su questa pagina

Converting a #MySQL database to Firebird Part1 (from Lamp to Flaps)

Milan Babuskov wrote on his blog about his first steps in moving one host from Mysql to Firebird

I have a heavy-used website powered by LAMP stack (CentOS Linux,
Apache 2, MySQL and PHP). It started on a shared hosting so I had to
use MySQL. Year and a half later, I switched shared, virtual hosting
and not run it on a dedicated server. I decided to try Firebird to see
how it performs and also how it compares to MySQL in RAM usage, disk
usage, etc.

Database Workbench Pro 3.4 released

Ladies, gentlemen,

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the next version of the popular database development tool: Database Workbench Pro 3.4

Changes Highlights in 3.4
– NexusDB v3 support
– Extended Firebird 2.1 support
– New diagramming related features and enhancements
– Many enhancements and bug fixes…

Download a trial at: http://www.upscene.com/download.php
Full list of features and fixes: click here

MySQL shake-up could be a blessing

I’d argue that Sun needs to tighten the reins on MySQL development, not let them go. Going forward, MySQL will need to work hard if it wants to stay in front of the low-end database business. It’s no longer the reigning speed king; if fast, SQL-based storage is all you care about, SQLite is a better alternative. And competing open source databases like PostgreSQL and Firebird offer better feature sets for exactly the same price as MySQL.

Read full article in Infoworld.

Take an Open Source Database Survey

Do you know which open source feature is the most important? Do you know which open source database rocks and which one sucks? Is MySQL better than Postgres? Is Ingres worth considering? How does Firebird compare? Have you used, or have you considered using, an open source database?

Take a survey. It’s only 15 questions so it takes just a few minutes.

I’ll post a link where you can get the results once they have been compiled and prepared.

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