GlassFish and Firebird JDBC driver Jaybird
This page describes how to configure GlassFish for use with Jaybird. These instructions are based on GlassFish Server Open Source Edition and Jaybird 2.2.3.
This page describes how to configure GlassFish for use with Jaybird. These instructions are based on GlassFish Server Open Source Edition and Jaybird 2.2.3.
The Firebird JDBC team is happy to announce the release of Jaybird 2.2.3.
See for the downloadlinks.
The release is also available on maven:
The artifactId depends on your target Java version: jaybird-jdk15, jaybird-jdk16 or jaybird-jdk17.
The following has been changed or fixed in Jaybird 2.2.3:
More details are available in the Jaybird 2.2.3 releasenotes.
Mark Rotteveel wrote on Firebird-Java group : I updated the Jaybird roadmap to outline the basic plans for Jaybird
2.3. You can find it on
I will probably add more detail in the future.
The Firebird JDBC team is happy to announce the release of Jaybird 2.2.2.
See for the downloadlinks.
The release is also available on maven:
The artifactId depends on your target Java version: jaybird-jdk15,
jaybird-jdk16 or jaybird-jdk17
The following has been changed or fixed in Jaybird 2.2.2:
News via Mark Rotteveel tweet
I just released Jaybird 2.2.2 newsitem and maven artifacts should appear in a day or so
Update: NewsItem apeared on the main site also on FirebirdNews
i’ve ported the JDBC Driver to Android and published this on this is something you might be interestetd in 🙂
Best regards, Christian Mayer
Question is on StackOverflow:
I have tried to add an column alias in SELECT statement using SQuirrel SQL 3.4 + Firebird 1.5 + Driver JDBC Jaybird 2.2.[0|1] . but doesn’t work
And Mark Rotteveel gives the answer of the week
News via twitter Mark Rotteveel
Updating releasenotes for Jaybird 2.2.1, and if testing goes OK, I will probably release next week.
Also don’t forget
Do you use Jaybird in your applications? Fill out our survey:
More than 1000 lines of deprecated sun api were removed from JDBC driver
The nice side efect is faster tests for JDBC driver
And the best thing is: removing these classes and their tests reduced the execution time of the (pure-java) tests by 20%
You can read the install instructions from github project’s page
ps: I have followed these instructions to install jython on ubuntu also i have tested the JbConsole with the latest Jaybird release :2.2.0 (Just download and install it in your home folder /home/user/jaybird and then add it to your classpath)