Introductory tips with Jaybird and JRuby


I’ve created in Hebrew few tips on how to work with JayBird in Java and JRuby using Firebird. Links for the (google) translated versions:

A new release of the Firebird Eclipse plugin is available

A new release of the Firebird Eclipse plugin is available on


Bugfix and ‘less-is-more’ release

* Code cleanup
* More delegation to standard DTP implementation
* Sourcecode added to distribution

JbConsole 0.2.0 released

JbConsole is a Firebird console tool. I have tested with Jython 2.5b3 and Jaybird 2.1.6 .
(java 1.6 on Windows XP and java 1.5 on OS X 10.5)
It’s still toy level, but it seems to be sample implementation of Jaybird and Jython.

See the screen shot

ED:Translated with google , I like his words about Jython

Swing and Java (JVM) I fast. 驚いた。 I was surprised.

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