Improved Hibernate ORM Firebird dialect support

Mark Rotteveel created a Ticket and Pull Request for Hibernate ORM to improve Firebird dialect with fixes to a number of issues.

Improve Firebird dialect to fix a number of issues:

  • Typing of aggregates when using parameters
  • Add cast to AVG of integral type
  • Quote identifiers starting with an underscore
  • Correct inverted version check for Boolean support
  • Add or update various supports methods to return correct information
  • Render datetime literals without using JDBC escape
  • Fix rendering of literals with offset at offset 00:00
  • Fix rendering of create index statement
  • Fix rendering of CASE where all when clauses have a parameter to identify type of result
  • Add missing rendering of virtual columns to select list
  • Fix rendering of IN against a parameter

Updated a number of tests so they are either passing for Firebird, or ignored for Firebird.

Jaybird 4.0.8 released

Jaybird 4.0.8 has been released

The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 4.0.7:

  • Improvement: Backported new generated keys parser from Jaybird 5 to remove dependency on ANTLR (jaybird#718) With this change, Jaybird no longer relies on antlr-runtime-4.7.2.jar, if you don’t need it yourself, you can remove this library from the classpath. See New parser for generated keys handling for more information.

Jaybird 4 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11, 17 and 19 (support for Java 17 and 19 using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also

Jaybird 4.0.7 released

Jaybird 4.0.7 has been released

The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 4.0.6:

  • Improvement: (VAR)CHAR is now sent to the server with blr_varying2 or blr_text2 which includes the character set information (jaybird#692)
  • Changed: Usages of String.toUpperCase and String.toLowerCase now use Locale.ROOT to prevent locale-sensitivity issues (jaybird#697)
  • New feature: Support for NBackup “clean history” option (jaybird#706)
    The interface has three new methods: setCleanHistory(boolean) to enable (or disable) cleaning of history during backup, and setKeepDays(int) and setKeepRows(int) to specify the number of days or rows to keep history. These options require Firebird 4.0.3 or higher.
    This feature was backported from Jaybird 5.
  • Fixed: Calling PreparedStatement.setClob or PreparedStatement.setBlob with a null Clob, Reader, Blob, or InputStream would result in a NullPointerException (jaybird#712)
    As part of this change the behaviour of setClob methods accepting a Reader was changed to be identical to setCharacterStream, and setBlob accepting an InputStream to setBinaryStream. The end result before and after this change is identical, but it can result in different memory and performance characteristics, as the stream is now consumed on execute, and not on set.

Jaybird 4 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11, 17 and 19 (support for Java 17 and using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also

Jaybird 4.0.6 released

Jaybird 4.0.6 has been released

The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 4.0.5:

  • Improvement: Connection.isValid(int) now uses the timeout as a network timeout, if possible (jaybird#685)
    This is only supported for pure Java connections. For native connections, the timeout is ignored (and a SQLWarning is registered).
  • NativeResourceUnloadWebListener would fail in Servlet containers with a NoClassDefFoundError if JNA wasn’t on the classpath (jaybird#686)
  • Fixed: Calling isBeforeFirst(), isAfterLast(), isFirst(), or isLast() on a closed result set resulted in a NullPointerException instead of a SQLException (jaybird#689)

Jaybird 4 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11 and 17 (support for Java 17 using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also

Jaybird 4.0.5 and 3.0.12 released

Jaybird 4.0.5 and 3.0.12 have been released. Jaybird 3.0.12 is the final release of Jaybird 3.

The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 4.0.4 and 3.0.11:

  • Fixed: JnaService implementation call to isc_service_query incorrectly includes type (jaybird#678)

Jaybird 4.0.5
Jaybird 4 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11, and 17 (support for Java 17 using the Java 11 version of the driver). See also:

Jaybird 3.0.12
Jaybird 3 supports Firebird 2.0 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11, and 17. Basic Java 9 and higher compatibility is provided through the Java 8 version of the driver.

With the release of 3.0.12, Jaybird 3 is now end-of-life, and we recommend upgrading to Jaybird 4.

See also:

Jaybird 4.0.4 released

Jaybird 4.0.4 has been released.

The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 4.0.3:

  • Fixed: ResultSet.updateRow() sets fields to null in result set only (jaybird#37)
  • New feature: Support for NBackup GUID-based backup and in-place restore (jaybird#672)
  • Fixed: Logic error could lead to incorrect logging of “Specified statement was not created by this connection” (jaybird#674)
  • Changed: Updated Firebird 4.0 reserved words based on (jaybird#597)
  • Fixed: Protocol 15 and 16 had same priority, so Firebird 4.0 might select protocol 15, leading to timeout support not available. (jaybird#676)

Jaybird 4.0.4

Jaybird 4 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11 and 17 (support for Java 17 using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also:

Jaybird 4.0.3 and 3.0.11 released

Jaybird 4.0.3 and 3.0.11 have been released.

The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 4.0.2 and 3.0.10:

  • Changed: Closing a statement will now be sent to the server immediately (JDBC-638)

Jaybird 4.0.3

Jaybird 4 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11 and 15 (support for Java 15 using the Java 11 version of the driver); Java 16 has not been fully tested yet.

See also:

Jaybird 3.0.11

Although Jaybird 3 is still maintained, we recommend upgrading to Jaybird 4.

Jaybird 3 supports Firebird 2.0 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11 and 15; Java 16 has not been fully tested yet. Basic Java 9 and higher compatibility is provided through the Java 8 version of the driver.

See also:

Jaybird 4.0.2 and 3.0.10 released

Jaybird 4.0.2 and 3.0.10 have been released.

Jaybird 4.0.2

The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 4.0.1:

  • Fixed: First letter of JDBC escape was case-sensitive (JDBC-632)
  • Fixed: Some usernames cannot authenticate using SRP (JDBC-635)
  • Fixed: ServiceConfigurationError while loading plugins could prevent Jaybird from loading (JDBC-636)

Jaybird 4 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11 and 15 (support for Java 15 using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also:

Jaybird 3.0.10

Although Jaybird 3 is still maintained, we recommend upgrading to Jaybird 4.

The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 3.0.10:

  • Added: A static utility method FBDriver.normalizeProperties which, given a JDBC url and a Properties object, returns a Map<String, String> containing the merged properties normalized to the common property name. (JDBC-627)
  • Fixed: Use of isc_dpb_no_db_triggers no longer logs a warning (JDBC-628)
  • Fixed: First letter of JDBC escape was case-sensitive (JDBC-632)
  • Fixed: Some usernames cannot authenticate using SRP (JDBC-635)
  • Fixed: ServiceConfigurationError while loading plugins could prevent Jaybird from loading (JDBC-636)

Jaybird 3 supports Firebird 2.0 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11 and 15. Basic Java 9 and higher compatibility is provided through the Java 8 version of the driver.

See also:

Jaybird 4.0.1 released

Jaybird 4.0.1 has been released. Jaybird 4.0.1 is the first maintenance release of Jaybird 4, and introduces support for INT128 (a new type in Firebird 4), improves support for the Firebird 4 WITH TIME ZONE types by adding support for java.time.ZonedDateTime and making some of the derivation rules more consistent with Firebird. It also provides some bug fixes and other changes.

The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 4.0.0

  • Fixed: Changes to the transaction configuration (transaction parameter buffer configuration) of one connection are no longer propagated to other connections with the same connection properties (JDBC-386)
  • Fixed: Search index of Javadoc in Java 11 version used incorrect links (JDBC-619)
  • Fixed: The cleanup of native resources didn’t dispose the native library held by JNA, as a change in implementation no longer allowed directly access to the JNA NativeLibrary (JDBC-620)
  • Fixed: When updating a row through an updatable result set, selected but not updated blob fields were set to NULL (JDBC-623)
  • Added: Support for type INT128 (reported as JDBC type NUMERIC) (JDBC-624)
    See also Firebird 4 INT128 support.
  • Added: A static utility method FBDriver.normalizeProperties which, given a JDBC url and a Properties object, returns a Map<String, String> containing the merged properties normalized to common property name. (JDBC-627)
  • Fixed: Use of isc_dpb_no_db_triggers no longer logs a warning (JDBC-628)
  • Incompatible change: While making changes to time zone support, the API of was made almost entirely private. This should not affect normal user code.
    Although we try to avoid these types of incompatible changes in point releases, we explicitly allow them for the package and sub-packages.
  • Changed: conversions from TIME WITH TIME ZONE now use 2020-01-01 as base date for named zones (JDBC-629)
  • New feature: Added support for java.time.ZonedDateTime for the WITH TIME ZONE types (JDBC-630)
  • Fixed: Connection.setNetworkTimeout incorrectly used the provided Executor to set the timeout (JDBC-631)

Jaybird 4 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11 and 14 (using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also:

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