Release candidate of .Net Provider for OleDb

Firebird driver become faster We are pleased to announce the release candidate of our .NET Provider for OleDb.

Now you can use 200% of the ADO.Net power in your projects for Firebird and Interbase:

  1. Read sets via OleDbDataReader and change them simultaneously (MARS technology).
  2. Use nested transactions, savepoints and distributed transactions within the TransactionScope.
  3. Execute several select, update and insert queries with parameters(!) within only one command OleDbCommand.
  4. Work with absolutely all types of data, including arrays and even Interbase Guid.
  5. And yes, now after you have set the command text you don’t need to manually add parameters to the query. Everything is done automatically and on the fly.

You can download ibprovider here: Firebird OleDb driver >>>

#AnyDAC Summer 2012 v 6.0.1 – #Delphi Components for Firebird, Interbase and more

DA-SOFT Technologies announces the availability of major new version AnyDAC for Delphi Summer 2012 release v 6.0.1 – high-speed, Universal Data Access Components for Firebird, Interbase, SQLite, MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MS Access, IBM DB2, Sybase SQL Anywhere, Informix, Advantage, dbExpress, ODBC, that simplifies the task of building Embarcadero Delphi, C++Builder and Free Pascal Compiler database applications.

Do not miss the Summer sale25% discount on all AnyDAC orders in August !

AnyDAC for Delphi can be immediately downloaded from the download page.

What is new in v6.0.1 and what is AnyDAC ?

#AnyDAC Spring 2012 v 5.0.7 – #Delphi Components for Firebird, Interbase and more

DA-SOFT Technologies announces the availability of AnyDAC for Delphi Spring 2012 release v – high-speed, Universal Data Access Components for Firebird, Interbase, SQLite, MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MS Access, IBM DB2, Sybase SQL Anywhere, Informix, Advantage, dbExpress, ODBC, that simplifies the task of building Embarcadero Delphi, C++Builder and Free Pascal Compiler database applications.

AnyDAC for Delphi can be immediately downloaded from the download page.

What is new in v5.0.7 and what is AnyDAC ?

#AnyDAC Summer 2011 v 5.0.1 – #Delphi Components for Firebird, Interbase and more

DA-SOFT Technologies announces the availability of AnyDAC for Delphi Summer 2011 release v – high-speed, Universal Data Access Components for Firebird, Interbase, SQLite, MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MS Access, IBM DB2, Sybase SQL Anywhere, Informix, Advantage, DbExpress, ODBC, that simplifies the task of building Embarcadero Delphi, C++Builder and Free Pascal Compiler database applications.

AnyDAC for Delphi can be immediately downloaded from the download page.

What is new in v5.0.1 and what is AnyDAC ?

Interbase 6.0 Language Reference in html/xml format

I did some experiments with pdftohtml and here are some results

And here are the steps i have made to reach that point

So in theory in the future somewhere i can see a page with all the Language Reference on one single page maybe with interbase 6.0 text in another color (green) so it will represent that is not under a open source license

EMS SQL Manager for InterBase/Firebird version 5.2 released

EMS SQL Manager for IB/FB

EMS Database Management Solutions is pleased to announce the new version of SQL Manager for InterBase/Firebird – the powerful tool for InterBase/Firebird database administration and development.

EMS SQL Manager for InterBase/Firebird is available and can be downloaded from the download page.

What’s new in SQL Manager for InterBase/Firebird 5.2?

FirebirdClient and InterBase – Short Answer NO is not supported

Jiri is getting more and more support request from people who try to connect to Interbase ! with Firebird .net client.The short answer is that Firebird driver is for Firebird database only and we can’t support Interbase too

Wondering what changed on Earth in last, say, four weeks. I’m getting more than average (read: more than zero) emails, asking whether FirebirdClient works with InterBase. Similarly in mailing list.

Database Workbench Pro 3.4 released

Ladies, gentlemen,

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the next version of the popular database development tool: Database Workbench Pro 3.4

Changes Highlights in 3.4
– NexusDB v3 support
– Extended Firebird 2.1 support
– New diagramming related features and enhancements
– Many enhancements and bug fixes…

Download a trial at:
Full list of features and fixes: click here

IBProvider Release Candidate 4

New release candidate of IBProvider Professional Edition has appeared. Is the modern driver for access to 16 versions of the Firebrd and Interbase servers.

Improved support of DDEX (Data Designer Extensibility) when working with Firebird and Interbase

IBProvider RC4 has the new option of stored procedures calling in Visual Studio 2008 style via ODBC escape sequences. This innovation allows to create queries and TableAdapters based on stored procedures.

Optimized working with named parameters in SQL query text

  • Fewer limitations for multiple use of same named parameter in SQL query text
  • New algorithm for choosing named parameter data type.
  • Some errors of named parameters procession detected via profound testing by exhaustive method have been eliminated.

Metadata schemes and column descriptions (IColumnsRowset) support user encoding

Metadata schemes and IColumnRowset interface now consider user charset . This allows working with metadata in set encoding.

What comes next?

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