Know how to add execution of SQL-scripts in your programs!

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Do you want to enable execution of SQL scripts in your programs and spend less time for exhausting coding?

Do you want to create a table, a generator and a trigger, to add data to the table, to make data selection and then to delete all this in one command? For example:

set autoddl on;
set transaction;
create generator GEN_ID_TEST_TABLE;
create trigger BI_TEST_TABLE for TEST_TABLE
 before insert
insert into TEST_TABLE (text) values('record 1');
insert into TEST_TABLE (text) values('record 2');
set term !!;
select * from TEST_TABLE!!
set terminator ;!!
set autoddl off;
drop table TEST_TABLE;
drop generator GEN_ID_TEST_TABLE;

Now it is possible with new IBProvider! IBProvider v. allows to run a command with several SQL queries (SQL scripts).

Read more right now:
Know how to add execution of SQL-scripts for Firebird and Interbase in your programs!

Do you use TIME and TIMESTAMP in your applications? The new IBProvider version will further simplify your work!

Have you ever lost microseconds when working with the type TIME?
Definitely, if you have ever tried to use them. In the previous versions of IBProvider, time was stored in OLE DB structure of DBTYPE_DBTIME type that does not support fractions of a second.

In the new IBProvider version, time data types have been improved
. The new properties dbtime_rules and dbtimestamp_rules allow to set time storage not only in DBTIME/DBTIMESTAMP but also in WSTR and in the new type of MS SQL 2008 – DBTIME2 without losing milliseconds.

Please, read more and download new IBProvider Professional right now: Download Firebird OLE DB driver.

Is it possible to write a similar Firebird database driver?

Today we are (IBProvider team) overwhelmingly happy because we have finally released the final build of the 3rd version of IBProvider.

Is it possible to write a similar database driver?

Of course, you can write it! All you need is a strong desire and 7 years of free time. Exactly the same time it took us to write the third version of IBProvider.

Please read about development results here and download new Firebird driver here:
Firebird driver developers results

Regards, IBProvider Team.

Be quick to get a free license for IBProvider Professional v.

New version of IBProvider is now available. The new release:

  1. Use Unicode Windows API for national alphabet.
  2. Has an improved compatibility with SharePoint Designer.
  3. Errors in the type converter have been eliminated.

Be quick to get a free license for IBProvider Professional

Quite recently, Firebird 2.5 Release Candidate 2 appeared. During regular IBProvider testing with new FB2.5 SuperClassic (RC2), we revealed a problem in the server: page 14194, page type 5 lock conversion denied (215).

The first person who publishes the reproduced example at our forum will be awarded with a free license for IBProvider Professional 64 bits Single Developer!

Please visit Firebird driver homepage for details.

Today, on January 18, 2010, IBProvider celebrates its 10th anniversary.

Today, on January 18, 2010, IBProvider celebrates its 10th anniversary. The grand banquet is preceded by the release of the latest IBProvider version with enhanced support of DDL and updatable rowsets.

  • We thank all who have been with us all these years.
  • We thank FibPlus, ZStyle Group, Gemini InterBase/Firebird ODBC Driver, Easysoft ODBC-InterBase Driver, IBObjects. Owing to you, we have what to compare IBProvider to; together we make a big deal of promoting Firebird and Intrebase among masses.
  • We thank Firebird developers. Owing to you, people have a good free database server.
  • We thank our clients. Owing to you, IBProvider has been developed and will be developed.

Changes in IBProvider

  • Supports DDL query “COMMENT ON” in Firebird 2.1
  • Updatable rowsets code revision in IBProvider

Read details here.

Performance of the new IBProvider increased by 4.5 times

We are glad to announce the release of new IBProvider Professional v3.0.0.7866.

IBProvider works 4.5 faster than the former versions.

In the new IBProvider version, we removed the cause of low performance of IBProvider builds compiled in Visual Studio. Now these builds work several times faster in both single-threaded and multi-threaded applications.

According to the test results, new IBProvider Professional v3 works 4.5 faster than the former versions.

Performance comparison graph here.

Other features

  • We fixed the error related to the queries pool
  • New component LPCI.IBP.Samples.RowCursor – the faster substitute for ADODB.Recordset

Source Fiebird driver homepage.

Now your programs for Firebird and Interbase are able to process any data volumes

We are glad to announce the release of new IBProvider Professional v3 codename “Shaitan” . The volume of processed data is now restricted only by the free space on your hard disk containing provider’s swap file. In the earlier versions of IBProvider, when the system cache had worked out available physical memory, the performance was dropping substantially.

IBProvider Professional codename “Shaitan” is able not only to process tens of gigabytes of data, but does it substantially faster than its predecessors do.

This is possible due to the usage of more efficient buffering and cashing algorithms and multithread data handling.

Furthermore, support of GB18030 charset was added.

Download new version right now: Firebird provider download.

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