Django 2.2 driver for Firebird 3

RED SOFT has added support of Firebird 3 into the Django 2.2 framework.

RED SOFT developer Vasily Yashkov made a pull request which recently has been accepted. Find details and main changes here.

The new version of the driver was successfully tested with Django 2.2.10/2.2.11 and Firebird 3/RedDatabase 3.

If you use Django with Firebird 2.5 or less please try to migrate your database to Firebird 3.0 and test new version of the driver. Now you can install it manually as described in the instruction but follow the news and wait the next release soon.

New Firebird ODBC driver 1.2 released

Devart company updated its set of ODBC drivers for various databases including  Firebird database.

New Firebird ODBC driver gained improved performance and:

  • Compatibility with Microsoft Visual Studio is improved
  • Compatibility with Microsoft Office is improved
  • Compatibility with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is improved
  • Compatibility with Crystal Reports is improved
  • Compatibility with ClikView is improved

Check what our new ODBC drivers can offer to you.

Download Firebird ODBC driver 1.2

New Firebird dbExpress drivers released


Following the updated release of IBDAC (Delphi data access components for Firebird) Devart released a huge update of it’s dbExpress drivers. Among them you can find updated dbExpress driver for Firebird/Interbase.

Among many improvements and bug fixes those drivers received RAD Studio 10 support and now the trial limitation by 6 columns is removed from the Trial version for Win64 and it becomes a fully-functional Professional Edition.

You can already download new updated dbExpress driver for Firebird now –


New Firebird ODBC drivers released



Devart team is proud to introduce new Firebird ODBC Drivers.

The most significant features in this version are:

– Drivers fully support standard ODBC API functions and data types, multiple server data types and features.

– Advanced connection string parameters provided to allow any desktop and web applications to access databases from various environments and platforms, that support ODBC.

– Full Unicode support provides capacity to interpret Unicode function calls without the intervention of the Driver Manager.

– Advanced data conversion from DBMS data types to native ODBC data types.

– Support for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows platforms provides capabilities to develop both 32-bit and 64-bit cross-platform database applications (Linux and Mac OS X platforms will be supported in the next version).

ODBC driver for Firebird supports Firebird server and client versions 2.x, 1.x.

More details     Download Firebird ODBC driver

Dozens of new options for Firebird and .NET Framework


If you have ever worked with Firebird or Interbase using the standard .NET provider for OLE DB (System.Data.OleDb), you will have likely encountered issues like this:

  • The necessity to add ALL parameters manually.
  • Even though the OLE DB provider supports parameter generation for commands, the .NET provider doesn’t use it, so you as the programmer must do that work on your own.
  • The lack of support for named parameters. Although they actually exist, using them in reality requires a whole set of complex manipulations (the steps needed to add a parameter to a collection, etc.).
  • The impossibility of using multiple DataReader objects at the same time (Multiple Active Result Sets).
  • No execution of SQL scripts which contain several SQL expressions per command.

This list of difficulties a .NET developer has to deal with is far from complete.

Now it’s all different in a fundamentally new ADO.NET Data Provider for OLE DB

IBProvider Team

Firebird driver

Are your data access components ready for Firebird 3?

Firebird 3 driver for OLE DB

We are continuing to actively add new functionality of Firebird 3 DBMS to IBProvider.

Let us remind you that already 2 months ago we added support of BOOLEAN data type from Firebird 3. In the new version of IBProvider Professional, we added support of PACKAGE instruction.

Now you can put in order a bulk of database procedures and functions and group them by sense into individual modules (PACKAGE). This arrangement will substantially simplify understanding and maintenance of SQL code.

Ream more about Firebird 3 access improvements.

Be quick to get a free license for IBProvider Professional v.

New version of IBProvider is now available. The new release:

  1. Use Unicode Windows API for national alphabet.
  2. Has an improved compatibility with SharePoint Designer.
  3. Errors in the type converter have been eliminated.

Be quick to get a free license for IBProvider Professional

Quite recently, Firebird 2.5 Release Candidate 2 appeared. During regular IBProvider testing with new FB2.5 SuperClassic (RC2), we revealed a problem in the server: page 14194, page type 5 lock conversion denied (215).

The first person who publishes the reproduced example at our forum will be awarded with a free license for IBProvider Professional 64 bits Single Developer!

Please visit Firebird driver homepage for details.

IBProvider Release Candidate 4

New release candidate of IBProvider Professional Edition has appeared. Is the modern driver for access to 16 versions of the Firebrd and Interbase servers.

Improved support of DDEX (Data Designer Extensibility) when working with Firebird and Interbase

IBProvider RC4 has the new option of stored procedures calling in Visual Studio 2008 style via ODBC escape sequences. This innovation allows to create queries and TableAdapters based on stored procedures.

Optimized working with named parameters in SQL query text

  • Fewer limitations for multiple use of same named parameter in SQL query text
  • New algorithm for choosing named parameter data type.
  • Some errors of named parameters procession detected via profound testing by exhaustive method have been eliminated.

Metadata schemes and column descriptions (IColumnsRowset) support user encoding

Metadata schemes and IColumnRowset interface now consider user charset . This allows working with metadata in set encoding.

What comes next?

New IBProvider allows comprehensive work in Unicode applications, enhanced work with NONE encoding, and supports charset markers.

New IBProvider v. RC3

  • All the detected problems that prevented comprehensive work with Firebird and Interbase from UNICODE applications have been eliminated.
  • Supports charset markers in SQL queries.
  • Supports exclusions processing when working with Interbase and Firebird via ADODB.
  • Supports working with database object names containing national symbols for connections with NONE charset.
  • Enhanced work with metadata schemes when working with database via NONE charset.
  • Advanced testing allowed detection and elimination of errors.
  • ISO8859_15 charset support.

Please read details on the Firebird driver homepage.

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