Firebird packages for Fedora, Centos, RHEL

It’s official now, Philippe Makowski is the maintainer of Firebird packages for Fedora and Epel (Centos and RHEL packages) and Firebird packages get pushed into Fedora repositories.

Here is the guide for Centos5.3 you must enable the epel-testing for centos

# rpm -Uvh

This is done by editing the /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-testing.repo file (installed by the previous rpm command) and changing the first “enabled=0” to “enabled=1”.

Firebird 2.1 to be included in the top of most popular distributions

Firebird 2.1.x will be included in the top most popular linux distributions

General tips for FirebirdCS on Fedora , Centos, RHEL

The Evolution Payroll service-bureau system from iSystems, LLC employs a three-tiered architecture, with the backend being one or more Linux servers running the Firebird SQL database. Evolution is able to split the load across multiple DB servers on a per-client basis. As Service Bureaus grow, it’s common to add new DB servers to the system, and this Evo Tip covers the steps required to take a fresh Fedora Core system and prepare it for Evolution.

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