Firebird-Mezzanine = Firebird and Django’s WordPress alternative : Mezzanine

Here are my install instructions on Ubuntu/Debian for Mezzanine CMS
First install Firebird 2.5.2 , Then install django and fdb driver
sudo pip install django
sudo pip install fdb
sudo pip install mezzanine
Install django-firebird driver like is described on the github page
Create new mezzanine project:
mezzanine-project firebird-mezzanine
cd firebird-mezzanine
create empty database from isql-fb / flamerobin
SQL> create database “localhost:/var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/firebird-mezzanine.fdb” user ‘SYSDBA’ password ‘masterkey’;
SQL> quit;
create local config for firebird
python createdb
python runserver
look at the first results after the wordpress import (i was so impressed that i have removed the old account)
next step : blogspot import is in progress

Django Firebird updates – now with support for introspection ready for Django 1.5 final

Hi folks,

I just updated the google code version with fixes in introspection. It was backported from github version [1]
So, I encourage to try both but mainly the version at github with the new fdb driver [2].
In that way, we can have our new django-firebird adapter almost stable for release along with the final release of django 1.5.


Django 1.5 driver for Firebird is updated (based on the fdb driver)

Maximiliano Robaina ‏announced :
There is a new version of django-firebird in github repository.
It is still alpha,You can test it with django 1.5 release.

This version is under development and uses the fdb python-firebird driver .
It’s tested only with django 1.5 master branch, so is possible it could fail with django 1.4.x (but it seems that works)
Given this is still in alpha stage we need that you try it and run the tests and give us feedback if it works for you. Also we need Python 3.x testers.

Update: Django 1.5 Beta is released

Firebird Django and the Future : FDB pure python driver , Django 1.4.x , Python 3.x support

Maximiliano Robaina wrote on the firebird django group some words and questions about the future of the driver :

My ideas for future organization are:

  1. Update de google repository with the last django-firebird version with support for django 1.4. It will be the last update in this sense.
  2. From here, the next oficial repository will be at github
  3. The version on github will use fdb in place of kinterbasdb

The point 3 is the most important to discuss because it means the total drop of firebird 1.5.x support.

I have added to the group the notes for installing django 1.4.x firebird driver on ubuntu

ps: bonus for using the FDB driver is python 3.x support out of the box , that means we can start testing django 1.5 on python 3.x

Django 1.4 support for Firebird ready for tests

Maximiliano Robaina wrote on django-firebird group

I would just like to say that the first attempt to support django 1.4 is ready for test, but we have a few considerations related to this release.

First, this test version live in
For now, this repo is just for test but I think that will be the next official home in short time.

Second, the way as insert worked was deprecated. At previous versions we have contemplated not to use triggers for manage auto incremental fields, the value of autoinc fields were generated on python code by using GEN_ID or NEXT VALUE FOR according to firebird version. Now, is necessary to have triggers (and sequences/generators) for inserts and set new primary key values, then, if you are using a legacy database without this, It will not work.
If anybody think that is a bad idea remove this behavior and need it, we can discuss about it.

Third, obviously django-firebird doesn’t pass all the django test suite.
For example, django try to create a field as decimal(38,30)

django.db.utils.DatabaseError: (-842, u’isc_dsql_prepare: \n  Dynamic SQL Error\n  SQL error code = -842\n  Precision must be from 1 to 18 — CREATE TABLE “MODEL_FIELDS_BIGD” (\n    “ID” integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,\n    “D” decimal(38, 30) NOT NULL\n)\n;’)

And of course, we need to have our own test suite.

That is all. Feel free to try and to express your opinion.

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