Firebird 3.0 package progress in #Debian
Here you can check Firebird 3.0 Debian package progress
Damyan added quite a few changes compared with version from 3 years ago
Here you can check Firebird 3.0 Debian package progress
Damyan added quite a few changes compared with version from 3 years ago
Firebird 2.5.3 is updated in Debian unstable with minor security fixes
Here is the changelog :
* add patch tightening fb_guard lock file permissions (Closes: #767497) Thanks to Holger Levsen
*-super.postinst: tighten permissions on existing fbguard lock file
* declare conformance with Debian Policy 3.9.6
Important Debian security fix is uploaded to sid
You can check Firebird 2.5/2.1 packages security status for this bug CVE-2013-2492 on this page
Python driver for firebird : fdb will have a package in the Debian repository in the near future
Philippe Makowski will create the package .
Driver is already packaged for : Mageia, Fedora, RHEL and FreeBSD
The packaging is ready and anybody wanting to build the package can
find the sources in the Git repository[1]. Since Debian is in a freeze
preparing to its next release, I asked the release team for a freeze
exception[2]. It would be great to have the final release in
sudo su
apt-get git-core devscripts
apt-get build-dep firebird2.5
git clone
cd 2.5
Ignore the last error debsign: gpg error occurred! Aborting (it only for Debian maintainers who sign the package like Damyan)
all the packages will be in ../
you can install for example firebird super classic this way
cd ../
sudo dpkg -i firebird2.5-superclassic* firebird2.5-common* firebird2.5-server-common* firebird2.5-classic-common*
ps: the above instructions were tested on Ubuntu 12.10 , Stable Firebird ppa is updated for all Ubuntu Releases
All in all the Debian Firebird port on Raspberry is very good : It’s quite a nice ARM server for 35$
here are my experiments and all worked as it should (like a similar
x86/x64 server) without issues.
As you might now Firebird 2.1.5 RC is released , now the Debian packages are uploaded to testing repository and on the next Ubuntu Quantal Quetzal’s repository
I have uploaded firebird2.5 2.5.2~svn+54476.ds4-1 in the Quantal Firebird ppa for testers , It is the same package from Debian Sid
New Debian package is uploaded to debian testing and unstable releases , And here is the list of changes
The package is done (imported from debian repository) with minor modifications (ignoring new dpkg version requirement)
The install guide is the same located in the ubuntu wiki