PHP 5.3.6 released with changes for Windows users :VC++6 builds disabled

Officially VC++6 builds are dead (There are community builds but unsupported by core php developers)
Here is the announcement

Windows users: please mind that we do no longer provide builds created with Visual Studio C++ 6. It is impossible to maintain a high quality and safe build of PHP for Windows using this unmaintained compiler.

For Apache SAPIs (php5_apache2_2.dll), be sure that you use a Visual Studio C++ 9 version of Apache. We recommend the PHP builds as provided by ApacheLounge. For any other SAPI (CLI, FastCGI via mod_fcgi, FastCGI with IIS or other FastCGI capable server), everything works as before.Third party extension providers must rebuild their extensions to make them compatible and loadable with the Visual Studio C++9 builds that we no longer provide.

Cooking With Firebird and Apache – Do The FLAP way

An interesting pdf paper about Firebird and Apache+PHP

Spiceware Software wants to give as much support for the development of the Firebird Database Engine as possible, to this end we decided to dedicate our resources in helping with the documentation side of the project. Currently we are busy with a document on how to setup Apache, PHP & Firebird together for development on Windows and Linux. The document is linked below for you to download. Feel free to report errors.

FLAP ( Firebird+Linux+Apache+PHPerl) is rather an operating platform than an application.

Linux can be of any common Linux distributions, but I prefer CentOS 5, and Firebird RDBMS is FirebirdSS 2.1.1 for Linux.

Since there are too many applications, really too many, to run on FLAP, it is impossible to list them all, or even impossible to list most of
them here, I just list the most commonly used FLAP applications here. If you are running any other FLAP applications, it would be a great
honour for me if I could have them listed/linked here.

Apache, PHP and Firebird Performance Tuning

In the last post I commented that I had a test-bed application, based on ApachePHP and Firebird, and once the problem with the images was solved I could finally start doing the actual performance testing/tuning that I originally wanted to do. 

The only major changes from the last post is that I’ve now upgraded the database engine to the “Firebird v2.5 Alpha 1” that supports SMP, and that the application now contains more base data in the tables.

Firebird Experts Forum – fastest forum i have ever seen is powered by firebird

The forum here is created using the phpBB Software, available on It is a great and free Open Source Solution and since version 3, it has full support for firebird. This installation uses apache 2.0, phpBB 3.01, php 5.21 and firebird 2.1 on windows 2003 server.

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