Tutorial to use Firebird on Android

Jan Baumgarten wrote a tutorial on how to create a simple application using Delphi + ZeosLib and Firebird 4RC1 on Android devices.

Firebird binaries for Android are around for quite some time as “test” releases, but there is a lack of information about how to use it in Delphi applications. Well, seems that no more 😉

Update Available: Android Firebird JDBC Driver Jaybird 2.2.12

Android Firebird JDBC Driver Jaybird 2.2.12 is updated for Android Studio

Christian Mayer wrote on Android Jaybird discussion forum

Hi Toni,
i have updated the example in the download area.
Basically you have to go to File -> Project Structure and klick the green add sign in the upper left.
Then choose “Import .JAR/.AAR Package” and select the aar file.
After that in the group area select app and go to Dependencies.
Here klick the green add sign in the upper right a choose “Module Dependencies”
If that doesn’t work please use the provided example.

Ps: It’s compiled as Android-Library : AAR .
You can use it like this:
or this:

Time to try Firebird for Android

androidIn a private email exchange to Alex Peshkov, he allowed be to publish his “cloud” link, containing a test version of Firebird 3 for Android.

Archives with tools for accessing databases in embedded mode are available at https://cloud.mail.ru/public/0b09cf605ed8/FbAndr

Note that Embedded can be used also as a client to access remote Firebird servers.

Embedded version should be _embedded_ into target application. It’s not installed separately. It can be accessed by the well known ISC API, and there is also the new OO API.

Alex need people to try it out and report/comment about problems, etc.

If you expect to see an official Android Firebird build in the future, you must start helping testing and sending feedback.

Firebird for Android is coming

shell@hwH30-U10:/data/local/tmp/firebird/bin $ ./isql employee
Database: employee
SQL> show version;
ISQL Version: LI-T3.0.0.31567 Firebird 3.0 Beta 2
Server version:
Firebird/Linux/ARM (access method), version “LI-T3.0.0.31567 Firebird
3.0 Beta 2”
on disk structure version 12.0


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