Some thoughts on denormalization

Jiri wrote his thoughts on howto apply list function to create denormalized view of data
From time to time I have an idea for helpful project I could do to help myself or people around me to finish some task faster/easier. And, of course, it often involves database. And though I’m a strong believer in normalization (3NF is must), at least during initial design, sometimes I see this project being partly simple and partly I want it done in no time (because I’m doing it in my own spare time) I think about storing data denormalized and doing the work in application.

Design it normalized, because it’s what you should do. But then you can create a simple view where you use some kind of “LIST” function (i.e. Firebird has exactly that named one). This view will create you denormalized form of data. With a small help from triggers you can also update that view hence underlying data (left as an exercise for reader).

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