Release of IBProvider v5.37

We are glad to present a new release of IBProvider — v5.37. This update contains a lot of internal changes and improvements. All the changes have been tested more than one time, so this release is ready for use in your projects. Please update your copy of IBProvider with this version. If you work with Firebird, please use «» mode. Thanks.

Build of error message in built-in Firebird client

  • The current release of IBProvider adds the new initialization property ctype_system that allows to point a codepage of operation system where a connected database server is working. This information will help IBProvider process the DBMS system errors
  • Provider uses a connection charset for translating server error messages into UNICODE

Work with ICU

  • ICU 63.1 (FB4). A suppression of translation error between code pages is disabled now (FB:CORE-8108)
  • A processing of ucnv_open function return code is corrected

Common changes

  • vc16 binaries are compiled with C++20
  • vc15 binaries use a built-in thread pool based on the source code of the external thread pool of vc16/vc17 assemblies (source code unification)
  • The information content of the error message “unsupported database server version” is improved
  • The internal instrumental C++ library was refactored

With Best Regards, IBProvider Team.

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