#Perl Firebird driver DBD-Firebird 1.11 is released with utf-8 and other bugfixes
On the behalf of the developers and contributors team, I’m pleased to announce that DBD::Firebird v1.11 , a DBI driver for the Firebird RDBMS server is released.
This release brings many changes and bugfixes .
- Test::Exception is required
- On Freebsd Threaded perl is required
- Test database to use UTF8 charset and enable UTF8 for the connection
- Fix CHAR lenght when using multi-byte character set Fixes #32 (RT#76506)
- Additional debug when finishing already finished statement
- Avoid double destroying of statement in auto-commit mode with DDL Fixes Github Issue #30 (RT#72946)
The development is done on GitHub and the mailing list is here
Thank you