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Firebird 3.0 RC1 is now released

Firebird Project announces the first Release Candidate of Firebird 3.0, the next major version of the Firebird relational database, which is now available for testing.

This Release Candidate demonstrates the complete set of features and improvements developed for the new release. Release Candidates are generally considered stable enough and may be recommended for testing in “almost-production” environments. Please report about any found bugs to the bugtracker.

Please read the Release Notes carefully before installing and testing this Release Candidate.

Download page:

Release Notes:

Dmitry Yemanov


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Unofficial installer of Firebird 3.0 Release Candidate 1 is available for download!

Are you looking forward to try Firebird 3.0 Release Candidate, and can’t wait for the official release? Download Firebird 3 Unofficial Installer and get Firebird 3.0 RC1 now.
If you want to install Firebird 3 as the second instance (and keep existing installation of Firebird 2.5 intact), you can specify another port and instance name for Firebird 3, and use both instances simultenaously.
Watch this video to and follow its steps to install Firebird 3 together with your Firebird 2.x:

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Database .NET 16.9 released

Database .NET is an innovative, powerful and intuitive multiple database management tool, With it you can Browse objects, Design tables, Edit rows, Export data and Run queries with a consistent interface. (Full support for Firebird 1.5~3.0)

For more information please visit http://fishcodelib.com/Database.htm
Free, All-In-One, Portable, Single executable file and Multi-language.

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Work for django-firebird continue with support for Django 1.7.x

 wrote on the django-firebird mailing list

Greetings folks,

After a long time (Sorry, I have a lot of work), I finally could merge the develop  branch (experimental) into master. That means the master branch is now the “official” stable branch. This is based on django 1.7 and need to be tested more deeply, especially the new migration feature.
The last stable version of django is 1.8.x LTS and the 1.9 version is in beta 1 stage. So, django-firebird 1.7 (still in alpha), it will be a transition version and the idea is that let’s have a new django-firebird with django 1.8 support, I hope soon.
By now, we need close some issues before promote the master branch to first release candidate, mainly those labeled as bug.
How can you help?
1. Clone repo
2. Testing
3. More testing
4. Report issue
5. Send pull request.
Any feedback is welcome.


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Database Workbench 5.1.8 released

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the availability of the next release of the popular multi-DBMS development tool:

” Database Workbench 5.1.8 “


This version is the next big release after version 5 and includes new features, enhancements and fixes.

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