IBObjects Version 5.7.7 Build 2340 is released with Delphi 10 support

Jason announced the newest release of IB Objects to all download areas.
For registered users, please go to http://community.ibobjects.com and update your annual subscription if necessary. Thanks to all who continue to support IB Objects!

You can try Evaluation Kit on Lazarus/Delphi IDE

Here is an excerpt from the release notes about what has been done since the last release.


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Are you fluent in English and SQL?

The Firebird Docs team is calling for people who are fluent in both English and Firebird’s SQL to assist with reviewing the English text of the Firebird 2.5 Language Reference manual. Of 10 chapters and 8 Appendices, 4.5 chapters are still untouched by reviewers.  It would be good to have the reviewing done to coordinate with the forthcoming 2.5.5 release but correctness takes priority.

Still to do are:  half of the DDL chapter, DML, PSQL, Functions and Variables, Transactions.

If you feel able to help with the review, please subscribe to the [firebird-docs] list here and make yourself and your preferred topics known.

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New Firebird ODBC driver 1.2 released

Devart company updated its set of ODBC drivers for various databases including  Firebird database.

New Firebird ODBC driver gained improved performance and:

  • Compatibility with Microsoft Visual Studio is improved
  • Compatibility with Microsoft Office is improved
  • Compatibility with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is improved
  • Compatibility with Crystal Reports is improved
  • Compatibility with ClikView is improved

Check what our new ODBC drivers can offer to you.

Download Firebird ODBC driver 1.2

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Firebird 3.0 RC1 is now released

Firebird Project announces the first Release Candidate of Firebird 3.0, the next major version of the Firebird relational database, which is now available for testing.

This Release Candidate demonstrates the complete set of features and improvements developed for the new release. Release Candidates are generally considered stable enough and may be recommended for testing in “almost-production” environments. Please report about any found bugs to the bugtracker.

Please read the Release Notes carefully before installing and testing this Release Candidate.

Download page:

Release Notes:

Dmitry Yemanov


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Unofficial installer of Firebird 3.0 Release Candidate 1 is available for download!

Are you looking forward to try Firebird 3.0 Release Candidate, and can’t wait for the official release? Download Firebird 3 Unofficial Installer and get Firebird 3.0 RC1 now.
If you want to install Firebird 3 as the second instance (and keep existing installation of Firebird 2.5 intact), you can specify another port and instance name for Firebird 3, and use both instances simultenaously.
Watch this video to and follow its steps to install Firebird 3 together with your Firebird 2.x:

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