Digest of IBProvider v3.17.2-v3.18.2


We have released a set of IBProvider updates with optimizations and corrections.

For example – we rewrote the support of “array” data type. Now we can (reservedly) say that IBProvider really can work with all server data types. With minimal numbers of “buts”…

Common list of changes

  • Optimizing server resource management.
  • Revision of work with XSQLVAR::sqlind.
  • Improved work with InterBase v12 (XE7).
  • Added initialization property «dbdate_rules».
  • Updated list with reserved keywords of Firebird v3.
  • New support for «array» data type.
  • Improved cancelation of fetch operation (fb.direct mode).
  • Correction of creation binary blob with zero length.
  • Correction of error with MSSQL Linked Server and BLOB.


  • Updated support of IBProvider in our ADO.NET provider.


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ANN: Firebird PHP Generator 16.3 released

Firebird PHP Generator SQL Maestro Group announces the release of Firebird PHP Generator 16.3, a frontend to generate feature-rich CRUD web applications for your Firebird database. The software comes in both Freeware and Professional editions.

This new version introduces out-of-the-box charts, enhanced sidebar menus, compact themes, embedded video columns, improved data export tools, new and updated events, custom form titles, and some other features. There are also versions for other DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, etc).

Read full press-release, play with online demo, or watch a video tour.

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Django-firebird development is back with django 1.7.x support in beta stage and for django 1.8 LTS soon (next week)

Maxi Robaina announced on twitter : Django-firebird development is back the github version is in beta stage with django 1.7.x support by now. All tests passed ok
Support for django 1.8 LTS will begin next week and then django 1.9. I think it will be a version by week.

v1.7.0 beta 1 Changelog

  • Support for Django v1.7.x
  • First implementation of new schema migration feature
  • Role support #50
  • manage.py dbshell fails on Linux #48
  • Fixed Database introspection: get_indexes just return primary and unique keys #28
  • Fixed Firebird backend doesn’t return views in introspection #27


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Database Workbench 5.1.12 released

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the availability of the next release of the popular multi-DBMS development tool:

” Database Workbench 5.1.12 “

This release includes new features and useful enhancements. Version 5.1 includes Microsoft SQL Azure, Firebird 3 and Windows Terminal Server support. Soon to be added: PostgreSQL support, for screenshots see our Twitter account.

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GSOC 2016 Finish Firebird Libreoffice driver integration

There is a medium difficulty task for a c++ programmer in current GSOC 2016

The Firebird driver for LibreOffice was started, and is mostly functional, in a previous GSoC, but it needs finishing and polishing. The main remaining issue is that the firebird data format embedded in the .odb file is endianess-dependent. The idea is to switch to Firebird’s “archive” format that is not.

Required skills / knowledge
C++, SQL, Reading other’s code, capacity to work autonomously.
Potential mentors
Lionel Elie Mamane, IRC: schoinobates, mail: lionel AT mamane DOT lu

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Firebird project repository was migrated to GitHub

Dimitry Yemanov announced :

The project repository was migrated to GitHub:

Please wait a few days for things to settle down, we need to update some
infrastructure. SVN repository is still accessible, but new
contributions are expected to be provided as pull requests at GitHub.

When creating a GitHub account, we suggest to add your SourceForge’s
email (username@users.sourceforge.net) as a secondary one to associate
your past contributions with your account.

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“Guia de migração para o Firebird 3” is released

FB 3 GuideThe Portuguese version of my new eBook, Guia de migração para o Firebird 3 (Migration guide to Firebird 3) was just released! The book has tips and explanations to make the life of anyone who wishes to move to Firebird 3 easier.

An English version of the guide will be available in the following weeks at Amazon, both in paperback and digital formats. This is my third book devoted to Firebird, and the first one to be published also in English.

Brazilians can buy the guide right now in the FireBase on-line store.

Carlos H. Cantu

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