Django-Firebird stable for Django 1.7.x is released
Django-Firebird stable for Django 1.7.x is released
Django-Firebird stable for Django 1.7.x is released
Mark Rotteveel published a new Jaybird 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT. Download available on maven (on the Sonatype snapshots repository) or SourceForge. Updated Release Notes are also available. Feedback on the stability, performance and undocumented changes in behaviour would be appreciated.
Yii2-Firebird driver version 0.7 is released
Database .NET is an innovative, powerful and intuitive multiple database management tool, With it you can Browse objects, Design tables, Edit rows, Export data, Run queries and Migrate data with a consistent interface. (Full support for Firebird 1.5~3.0)
For more information please visit
Free, All-In-One, Portable, Single executable file and Multi-language.
FDB Python driver for Firebird v1.6 is available for download. This version fixes few bugs and adds enhanced support for database_info and transaction_info. Now you can get almost all information in more convenient way (using properties and functions).
For Laravel 5.2 support, please look at the 5.2-sup branch in the laravel-firebird repository
For Laravel 5.2 support use:
composer require jacquestvanzuydam/laravel-firebird:dev-5.2-sup
Thanks to CyCJIeHok
for the changes for Laravel 5.2
Maximiliano Robaina wrote on Django-Firebird group : This is the proposed development roadmap for django-firebird
1. django-firebird for django 1.7 is in beta 1 status and available from pypi. I’m testing it on a real system, if all works ok, I would like promote this version to stable on April 1st (Friday)
2. django-firebird with support for django 1.8, release candidate 1 on 2016-04-08
3. django-firebird with support for django 1.9, release candidate 1 on 2016-04-22
Of course, this is a tentative schedule, I’ll appreciate any feedback.
We have released a set of IBProvider updates with optimizations and corrections.
For example – we rewrote the support of “array” data type. Now we can (reservedly) say that IBProvider really can work with all server data types. With minimal numbers of “buts”…
Common list of changes
SQL Maestro Group announces the release of Firebird PHP Generator 16.3, a frontend to generate feature-rich CRUD web applications for your Firebird database. The software comes in both Freeware and Professional editions. |
This new version introduces out-of-the-box charts, enhanced sidebar menus, compact themes, embedded video columns, improved data export tools, new and updated events, custom form titles, and some other features. There are also versions for other DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, etc).
Read full press-release, play with online demo, or watch a video tour.