Firebird 3 is released!

Press Release: English | Russian | Brazilian Portuguese

The primary goals for Firebird 3.0 were to unify the server architecture and to improve support for SMP and multiple-core hardware platforms. Parallel objectives were to improve threading of engine processes and the options for sharing page cache across thread and connection boundaries.

Alongside these aims came new strategies to improve performance, query optimization, monitoring and scalability and to address the demand for more security options. A number of popular features were introduced into the SQL language, including the long-awaited support for the Boolean data type and the associated logical predications.

Documentation: Release Notes (PDF available), Quick Start Guide (PDF available) and other manuals.

Download it here.

A “Migration Guide to Firebird 3” eBook, written by Carlos H. Cantu, is also available.

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IBProvider v3.29. State stabilization

Hello everyone!

We glad to inform about new IBProvider v3.29.

A brief description of the new release:

  • Management of server resources for cursors and blobs improved.
  • The main build IBProvider (vc14xp) is now compiled using VS2015 Update 2.
  • Extended load testing performed.

Current state

Actually, as of the moment we have reached the local balance point:

  • Basic «critical» problems solved.
  • All initiated code changes completed.

The full text of the news:

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