Firebird Perl extension DBD-Firebird version 1.24 is released

Perl extension DBD::Firebird version 1.24 is released with a few Firebird3/Debian related changes :
* Fix 81-event-fork.t to not fail when FirebirdEmbedded is not available
* Avoid compiler warning about implicit declaration of dbd_st_finish_internal
* Add support for building/testing with Firebird 3
* Fix a couple of typos, thanks to Nick Morrott of Debian Perl Group
* Explicitly undef the statement handle in dbi-primary-key-info.t, avoiding an error during global destruction

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Firebird 3.0.1 is available

Firebird Project is happy to announce general availability of Firebird 3.0.1 — the first point release in the Firebird 3.0 series.

This sub-release offers many bug fixes and also adds a few improvements, please refer to the Release Notes for the full list of changes. Binary kits for Windows and Linux on both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms are immediately available for download.

Do you plan to move to Firebird 3? Wanna avoid unnecessary headaches? Check out the Migration Guide to Firebird 3 right now!

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ANN: Firebird PHP Generator 16.9 released

Firebird PHP Generator SQL Maestro Group announces the release of Firebird PHP Generator 16.9, a frontend to generate feature-rich CRUD web applications for your Firebird database.

New version comes with 30+ new features including column filtering, custom form layouts, enhanced master-detail views, multi-row column headers, record comparison, brand new inline forms, quick edit, breadcrumb navigation, geo charts, index page generation, a number of GUI improvements, and much more. There are also versions for other DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, etc).

Most of software features can be seen in action in Feature Demo and NBA Demo applications.

Read full press-release.

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Firebird Branch for C++11 support

Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote on Firebird-Devel


I created a branch for the C++11 usage proposal.

The branch is not for active development, it’s just so others can play,
test and discuss.

The features are described here:

I didn’t found explicit mentioning support of the function features per
compiler, but seems very basic feature for lambdas so I put it there.

I tested in clang++ 3.8.0, g++ 5.4.0 and MSVC 14.

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