EmberWings Magazine about Firebird

EmberWings is a new quarterly PDF magazine about Firebird published by IBPhoenix.

Beyond technical articles, instructions and tips, it contains interviews with noteworthy individuals, an overview of Firebird’s development, information from the Firebird community, evaluations of compelling products, and a touch of thematic humor. All of this presented in a streamlined format with an aesthetically pleasing print-friendly layout.

The magazine is available in IBPhoenix store for free on a pay-what-you-want basis, with half of the proceeds going to the Firebird Foundation. The remaining half is used to finance the publication of the magazine.

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HQbird 2024 is released

We are glad to announce that HQbird version 2024 is released!
HQbird is advanced distribution of Firebird, with many improvements in the areas of performance, high availability, development, and more. It is intended for large enterprises and development companies with many Firebird installations, offering performance, protection from various threats, and mass maintenance.

Version 2024 introduces support of Firebird 5, and continue to support versions 4.0, 3.0, 2.5, with various improvements in the engine, high availability, tooling, and encryption.

HQbird is 100% compatible with Firebird, no need to perform backup/restore, you can install HQbird in trial mode in parallel with vanilla Firebird, and switch between instances.

The detailed list of HQbird features which improves Firebird can be found here, and below there are the biggest improvements of version HQbird 2024:

  1. Replacing queries “on the fly”
  2. Plugins for performing external connections with ODBC and MySQL
  3. Streaming/Change Data Capture with ready-to-use Kafka plugin, and plugin-building framework.
  4. Automation support to work with many databases on the server (for clients with SaaS model), with ability to create “replica server”
  5. Multi-instance support, which makes migration process from old Firebird versions much easier. HQbird 2024 is also integrated with Mass Migration Framework
  6. Automatic correction of firebird.conf configuration in case of erroneous configuration.

All features are described here.

HQbird v2024 has 2 licenses (click here to see purchasing options):

  • Per server, suitable for small and medium companies, US$899/server
  • Unlimited License, for large enterprises and software development companies, cost US$13465/year for unlimited number of installations.

Download HQbird v2024 here.

Customers with support contracts, subscriptions, or recent maintenance purchases (within the last 13 months), as well as customers who bought HQbird in the last 30 days, will get free upgrades in the next 10 days.

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Practical Migration Guide To Firebird 5.0

The “Practical Migration Guide to Firebird 5.0,” authored by D. Simonov, is a free technical manual that describes the main steps for upgrading to Firebird 5 from legacy versions such as 2.5, 3.0, and 4.0.

It encapsulates a wealth of pragmatic advice, troubleshooting methodologies, and resolution techniques for common migration challenges. Despite its brevity (40 pages), the guide comprehensively addresses critical aspects of the migration process, including installation protocols, configuration optimization, user account migration, and data type transition strategies.

Read “Practical Migration Guide to Firebird 5.0” or download it in printable PDF format.

From www.firebirdsql.org

Note from the submitter: For those upgrading to Firebird 5, this practical guide can be considered an “add-on” for my (+200 pages) Migration Guide to Firebird 4 eBook, which contains detailed and very important information specially for those moving from FB 3 (or older versions).

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IBProvider News

Hello Everyone.

We have updated all our components and recommend our user and customers to use them.


IBProvider 5.36.x

  • Sending short BLOB via VARCHAR datatype (Firebird v2.5.1+)
  • A support of Windows XP was restored

LCPI ADO.NET provider for OLE DB v1.29

  • Assemblies for .NET8 were added

Other updates

  • LCPI OLE DB Services was updated
  • LCPI EF Core Provider for OLE DB was updated

Kind Regards, IBProvider Team.

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The Backend Ring – 2024/Q1 (Adriano Fernandes)

The Backend Ring is a challenge whose main objective is to share knowledge in the form of a challenge! This is the second edition.

Adriano Santos Fernandes, one of the Firebird Core Developers, published an article about his participation in the 2024/Q1 Backend Ring edition, where he submitted solutions using Firebird, PostgreSQLand LMDB. Here is an excerpt from the article translated to English:

“Today, March 10, 2024, is the deadline for project submissions for the Backend Ring – 2024/Q1, which is the second edition of the Backend Ring. In summary, it was necessary to deliver a project that simulates a banking service with a statement and creation of transactions concurrently, where accounts can never go negative below each customer’s limit. In addition, it was necessary to run in docker, with a load balancer distributing the load to at least two API services, and all services together could use a maximum of 1.5 CPU units and 550MB of memory.

I did not participate in the first edition in 2023 because I only found out after it ended.

After this first edition of the Backend Ring, there was a Compilers Ring (and interpreters) where I was able to participate and my project ranked 9th.”

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Jaybird 5.0.4 released

We are happy to announce the release of Jaybird 5.0.4.

The following has been fixed since Jaybird 5.0.3:

  • Firebird 5.0 is now formally supported
  • Fixed: Potential NPE when warningMessageCallback is null while reading operations or consuming packets (#778)
  • Fixed: FBRowUpdater incorrectly considers result set with only partial PK updatable — backported from Jaybird 6 (#780)
  • Fixed: Use of offset timezone names (e.g. +05:00) for sessionTimeZone would result in a warning being logged, and an incorrect conversion applied (in UTC instead of the offset) when using the legacy time types — backported from Jaybird 6 (#787)

Jaybird 5 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 8, 11, 17 and 21 (support for Java 11 and higher using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also:

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FBPC 1.0.2 is released

The new version of Performance Comparer for Firebird is available. In this new version, the parsing of huge trace files is much faster, along with some other small changes and fixes which are listed in the changelog.txt. This is the first non-beta version.

FBPC is a free tool that can help people to compare the performance between two Firebird versions, or even between the same Firebird version but with different configurations in firebird.conf

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IBProvider v5.35 and BIG testing with FB4

Hello Everyone!

We are pleased to present a new release of our OLE DB provider for Firebird and InterBase, which has undergone not only standard load testing, but also BIG testing with Firebird v4, which lasted more than a month. This is more than 7 million tests executed in parallel on a ten-core processor.

IBProvider v5.35

In this new version of the provider, the internal infrastructure has been improved — now the cancellation of query execution also applies to operations with BLOBs.

BIG testing with FB4

The last time BIG testing was done was 3 years ago with FB…

Read more: https://www.ibprovider.com/eng/news/n_240212-fb4_big_testing.html

With Kind Regards, IBProvider Team.

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Why now is the best time to become a sponsor of Firebird Foundation?

Pasted from FirebirdSQL:

Firebird is a powerful, open source, relational database that has been serving the needs of thousands of users and developers for over 20 years. Firebird is free to use and distribute, thanks to the generous support of the Firebird Foundation and its sponsors.

But Firebird needs your help to continue its development and innovation. By becoming a sponsor of the Firebird Foundation, you can contribute to the future of Firebird and ensure its quality, security, and performance.

Do you want to have a say in the future of Firebird? As a sponsor of the Firebird Foundation, you can be part of the Technical Task Group and help shape the direction and plans for the next versions of Firebird.

Right now, the Firebird developers are working on the plan for version 6 and beyond, and they would love to hear your ideas and feedback. This is a perfect time to join the discussion and make a difference.

You can become a sponsor of the Firebird Foundation with a Bronze plan, which costs only USD 900 per year. There are also other plans with more benefits and perks.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of the Firebird Foundation, please email Alexey Kovyazin, the President of the Firebird Foundation, at ak@firebirdsql.org. He will be happy to answer your questions and guide you through the process.

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