Firebird travis-ci is configured for all supported branches
Firebird supported branches from github are now configured on travis
Build status image after each checkin :
Firebird supported branches from github are now configured on travis
Build status image after each checkin :
Upscene Productions is proud to announce the availability of the next release of the popular multi-DBMS development tool:
” Database Workbench 5.3.4″
This release includes a custom report writer, increased PostgreSQL support and a renewed stored routine debugger including full support for Firebird 3 Stored Functions and Packages.
Ubuntu 17.10 is released and it comes with Firebird 3.0.2 (Latest stable version)
Thanks to Damyan Ivanov and Debian project contributors to Firebird packages
IBReplicator V5.0.4 has been released. For more information please see the release notes.
Firebird ODBC driver repository is moved to Github from old CVS Repository from SourceForge
Upscene Productions is proud to announce version 2 of “Hopper”, a stored
routine debugger for InterBase, Firebird and MySQL.
This version includes support for Firebird 3 packages and stored functions,
MySQL diagnostic-statements, binary data in variables and much more.
For more information, check the Hopper page at our website.
About Hopper
Hopper is a stored routine debugging tool for MySQL, Firebird and InterBase. If you use
stored procedures on these database systems, Hopper will be a great tool for debugging
these routines.
About Upscene Productions
Based in The Netherlands, Europe, this small but dedicated company has been providing
database developers with useful tools for over 15 years. Slowly expanding the product portfolio
and gaining recognition amongst InterBase and Firebird database developers, they now offer
tools for a whole range of database systems, including Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server.
The first version (200 pages) of the German translation of Firebird 2.5 Language Reference is ready – you can download it here.
Many thanks to Martin Koeditz, the editor of German version!
New release for node-firebird driver with Typescript definition file added
Firebird 4 planning board is updated for the current month : October 2017
Here is an article describing some points to consider, when moving from an older version to Firebird 3. It is a starting point for those who plans to upgrade their installations and wants to save from some headaches.