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Read the new white paper “Authentication in Firebird 3” from IBPhoenix

Read the new white paper “Authentication in Firebird” from IBPhoenix: Developments introduced in Firebird 3 provide many options for authenticating users attempting to attach to a database. No longer is authentication restricted to a single method: the methods available are determined by the plug-in authentication modules configured in the global and/or database config files.
Also, there are many interesting articles in Documentation area of IBPhoenix website.

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New version of Firebird Encryption Plugin Framework: now with gbak support!

IBSurgeon is glad to announce the availability of the new version of Encryption Plugin Framework for Firebird: the fast and easy way to add transparent and strong (AES256) encryption for Firebird databases.

The new version includes the following features:

  • Pre-built binaries for Firebird 3.0.3: Windows 32/64 and Linux 32/64
  • gbak.exe with encryption of databases and backups.
  • Full sources included
  • Unlimited license for redistribution with all business applications of your company
  • Detailed examples of the implementation in Delphi, PHP, etc
  • Implementation support – our engineers will help you to implement and integrate encryption
  • (Optional) SQL development tool with the encryption support

Download and try IBSurgeon’s Encryption Plugin for Firebird now!

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Final steps of LibreOffice HSQLDB to FirebirdSQL database migration

Bunth Tamás wrote about the last step on LibreOffice database migration :

It is my third post about implementing HSQL migration inside odb documents in connection with a TDF tender. The previous posts were about creating the schema import, and the import of binary data.

Today I will write about the final steps which has to be made in order to
toggle off experimental feature from Firebird and use HSQLDB migration by default. This process also involves the creation of some unit tests, and
modifying some others.

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Yii2-Firebird 0.10.0 released

Yii2-Firebird 0.10.0 is released with the following ChangeLog:

  • Compatibility with Yii2 2.0.15
  • Complete reserved word list for Firebird 2.5/3.0
  • Added support to alterColumn for firebird 3.0
  • Added support to column identity in Firebird 3
  • Added support to upsert
  • Added add/drop default value for table
  • Added support limit/offset with Expression
  • Fixed compatibility with PHP ^7.0.16 and ^7.1.2
  • Fixed compatibility with linux
  • Fixed composite “in” condition on QueryBuilder
  • Fixed batchInsert with float value
  • Fixed escape character in like condition
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A stable version of ZeosLib 7.2.4 has been released

The Zeos Team is proud to announce the availability of Zeos 7.2.4 as a stable release. This is the newest stable version of Zeos. It deprecates Zeos 7.1, which will not be supported anymore. Zeos 7.2 has seen tons of bugfixes and improvements. We urge all people still using older versions of Zeos to upgrade. If you have any problems with Zeos 7.2, please get in contact with us on the forums or on the bugtracker.

For an overview of the changes in Zeos 7.2 see the release notes.

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