The Frustrations of the long distance Database Application Developer

Though I have extensive database application development experience, I do not consider myself an expert with the Firebird Database Engine to any degree.  The following article is completely based upon observations and experiences during my attempts to learn and understand this highly capable engine.  As a result, if there are misunderstandings or mistakes I have promoted in my writing, please do not hesitate to send in comments either correcting them or offering alternatives.

See full article here.

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Read the new white paper “Authentication in Firebird” from IBPhoenix

Read the new white paper “Authentication in Firebird” from IBPhoenix: Developments introduced in Firebird 3 provide many options for authenticating users attempting to attach to a database. No longer is authentication restricted to a single method: the methods available are determined by the plug-in authentication modules configured in the global and/or database config files.
Also, there are many interesting articles in Documentation area of IBPhoenix website.

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Database .NET 24.8 and dbMigration .NET 8.4 released

Database .NET 24.8 is an innovative, powerful and intuitive multiple database management tool, With it you can easily edit and manage your Firebird database files. (Change Log)

dbMigration .NET 8.4 is a simple, easy and intuitive multiple database migration and data synchronization tool, With it you can easily migrate schema and data to Firebird and vice versa. (Change Log)

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Jaybird 3.0.4 update

The Firebird JDBC team is happy to announce the release of Jaybird 3.0.4.

This release of Jaybird introduces two new features: wire protocol encryption and database encryption callback support.

Jaybird 3.0.4 contains the following fixes and changes:

– New feature: Back-ported wire encryption support from Jaybird 4 (JDBC-415)
– Fixed: Native/embedded (JNA) connections truncate varchars to length 255 on read (JDBC-518)
– New feature: Database encryption callback support in pure Java protocol (JDBC-527)

See the Jaybird 3.0.4 release notes for more information. Jaybird 3.0.4 can be downloaded from the JDBC Driver page.

The release is also available on maven:

groupId: org.firebirdsql.jdbc
artifactid: jaybird-jdkXX*
version: 3.0.4

* The artifactId depends on your target Java version: jaybird-jdk18, or jaybird-jdk17

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FDB Python driver v2.0 for Firebird is released

FDB Python driver for Firebird v2.0 is available for download.

IMPORTANT: This is initial release of new “SweetBitter” driver generation.

During this (v2) generation FDB driver will undergo a transition from
development centered around Python 2.7 / Firebird 2.x to development
centered around Python 3 / Firebird 3. There are some backward
incompatible changes between v2 and v1 generation, and you may expect
some also between individual releases of second generation. To soften
this bitter pill, the second generation will have new functionality,
enhancements and optimalizations gradually added into each public release.

The second generation is also the last one that will directly support
Python 2.7 and will be tested with Firebird 2.

The plan is to move forward with v3 generation (Python 3/Firebird 3+) as
soon as v2 code base will become mature.

What’s new:

* Hooks.
* New modules for parsing Firebird trace & audit logs (fdb.trace), gstat
output (fdb.gstat) and server log (fdb.log)
* Added fdb.utils.ObjectList class for improved object collection
* Modules monitor and schema now use new fdb.utils.ObjectList for
collections of information objects.
* Methods fdb.Connection.database_info() and
fdb.Transaction.transaction_info() now distinguish between text and
binary strings with result_type code.
* Significant changes to documentation.
* Reworked Visitor Pattern support in schema module, added classes
fdb.utils.Visitable and fdb.utils.Visitor.
* …and more (including bug fixes).


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Firebird Foreign Data Wrapper update

After a long hiatus, I’ve finally found time to update firebird_fdw, which is now available as version 0.3.0.

This update, together with an update of the underlying Firebird API wrapper libfq to version 0.2.0, is a general cleanup/bugfix release, with improvements including:

  • support for PostgreSQL 9.6 and 10
  • support for IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA (PostgreSQL 9.5 and later)
  • automatic reconnection to Firebird
  • improved error message handling and display
  • improved memory handling and prevention of various unhandled situations which caused the PostgreSQL server to crash

Additionally, CentOS rpm packages are now available via the Fedora Copr build system.

This release has been developed and tested with Firebird 2.5. It will work with Firebird 3.0, but does not yet take advantage of any new features; future releases will hopefully address this.

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