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Database .NET v26 released

Database .NET v26 is an innovative, powerful and intuitive multiple database management tool.
(Full support for Firebird 1.5~4.0+)

    Major New features from version 25.3 to 26.0:

  • Performance improvements for Object Navigator and Data Migration
  • Improved Firebird connection manager (FB)
  • The client library path is now set to Relative path instead of Full path (FB)
  • Added Switching to another database (FB)
  • Added CharSet and PageSize options for creating databases (FB)
  • Added Editing of table data for tables with RDB$DB_KEY but no primary keys (FB)
  • Added Dragging multiple selections
  • Added My Favorite Connections
  • Added a shortcut key (Ctrl+T) for Executing query to text
  • Improved Graphical User Interface
  • Improved Database Diagram
  • Improved Generating Scripts
  • Improved Form Editor and Form Viewer
  • and more


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