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IBX 2.3.2 is now available for download with Lazarus 2.0 support

MWA Software is pleased to announce that release 2.3.2 of IBX for Lazarus is now available for download from https://mwasoftware.co.uk/ibx. Older versions of IBX will fail to compile with Lazarus 2.0 and upgrade to this version is necessary for use with Lazarus 2.0. All users are recommended to upgrade to the new release. Please read the changelog before upgrading. The release also includes a new SQL Tokeniser and the ability to select the Firebird Library (DLL or shared object) as a property of TIBDatabase or TIBXServicesConnection. Several minor bug fixes are also included.

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23 More Ways To Speed Up Firebird

The new article with the collection of tips and tricks to improve Firebird database performance: 23 More Ways To Speed Up Firebird. The article is based on the appropriate presentation from “Firebird Performance Tour” seminar.

Why “23 more”?

Some of you can remember the article 45 Ways To Speed Up Firebird, which was published in May 2016. Now it is time for some more tips and tricks, mostly based on the experience of optimization and maintenance of the Firebird databases and servers with the high number of connections (1000+).

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dbMigration .NET v10 released

dbMigration .NET v10 is a simple, easy and intuitive multiple database migration and data synchronization tool, With it you can easily migrate schema and data to Firebird and vice versa.
(Full support for Firebird 1.5~4.0+)


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Printed version of the Migration Guide to FB 3 is available

The printed version of the Migration Guide to Firebird 3 was previously available trough CreateSpace site. Since the recent merge of CreateSpace and Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, the printed book had became unavailable.

I’m glad to announce that the printed version of the Guide (in English) is now available in several Amazon sites around the world. If you prefer to have a physical copy instead of the eBook, you can buy it visiting the Guide’s page.

Os brasileiros podem adquirir a versão impressa (em português) diretamente no site da FireBase.

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IBProvider news

Hello Everyone!

We are pleased to announce the new releases of our components for working with Firebird and InterBase.


IBProvider v3.54 and “LCPI OLE DB Services” v1.6
  • Improved code quality.
ADO.NET Provider v1.9.1
  • Improved DDEX UI.

Most likely this is the last updates in 2018 year. New releases will be in next year. We already work on these.

So, we want to say thanks to all our customers and users. Really – THANKS!

We wish you only the best in the New 2019 Year!

IBProvider Team.

box with gift
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