The Document Foundation Announces LibreOffice 3.5: The Best Free and Libre Office Suite Ever

The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.5, the third major release of “the best free office suite ever”, which shows to end users the improvements derived from the development strategy adopted since September 2010.

LibreOffice 3.5 derives from the combined effort of full time hackers – the largest group of experienced OOo code developers –and volunteer hackers, coordinated by the Engineering Steering Committee.
Related to Firebird there is the ODBC linux 64 bug killed .
Also the db with no bool support (Firebird 2.5) issue is done

Firebird Embedded and LibreOffice is the killer combination to scale from a single file application to a client/server approach

Quote of the day is via this thread on Firebird Java Group :

It would be good if Jaybird 2.3 could be used with embedded and
LibreOffice because the feature set in Firebird is obviously much, much greater
than HSQL or the proposed SQLite replacement.

The ability to create a zeroconf, transportable data file is of interest to me
(along with using iReport to generate printouts from that file).

OT: Personally I think that Jaybird / Firebird / Firebird embedded is the way to
go for LibreOffice instead of the very limited SQLite. The ability to upscale
from a single file application to a client/server one is a killer

Update:Firebird Driver and Embedded version merged into LibreOffice git master

Jaybird 2.2 beta hopefully will be released this weekend with jdbc 3.0 and open/libre office support

News via Mark Rotteveel on twitter

Finishing touches to Jaybird 2.2 beta releasenotes, hopefully I will be able to finally release it this weekend

Jaybird 2.2 is the next Firebird jdbc driver release with many fixes which will include improved support of the JTA specification (XADataSource and XAResource interfaces). Additionally it already has improved support for Base component, which deviates in some places from the JDBC 3.0 specification.

How to attract more developers to use FirebirdSQL , thread continues

Of course, I couldn’t finish this post without guessing (just guesses) the reasons why Firebird SQL is so unpopular if compared to MySQL or PostgreSQL :

1. There’s no big player like Sun/Oracle or IBM supporting it right now.

ED: Not an issue: there is no need for the big Oracle hug,  look what they have done to MySQL, OpenOffice, Hudson , they killed or dumped the projects and only community saved them by forking the source code and continuing under some sort of fundation umbrella: Apache, TDF . Another article that you must read is by Glyn Moody : Has Oracle been a disaster for Sun’s open source?

2. The official website is terrible ( Seems futile, but the first impression of the project is horrible. Makes you think it’s stalled.

ED:This is fixed , site was reworked , check the new design and compare with the old version from

3. Firebird’s biggest sponsor today is IBPhoenix , which main business IS Firebird. But even it’s website falls in the same problem.

ED This is fixed , site was reworked , check the new design and compare with the old version from

4. The fact of being Delphi related since it’s beginning.. With Delphi’s decadence, its popularity just floundered with it.

ED : That is solved we do have support for all the other new players : nodejs, rails , django , lua … And Lazarus apps are still the fastest one in benchmarks vs Java, .net …

5.Poor documentation

ED:Soon to be fixed , but more hands are needed , it’s easy to complain , please help to update and fix the bugs in the docs area

Maybe things may change to Firebird SQL after Oracle bought Sun (many MySQL users are getting scared (I see no reason for this by the way)) and may play with Firebird, but it’s something improbable to happen. 🙂

ED:Wind of change : i get more hits on my blog with things like phpbb3 installations , rails installations … and the traffic for and is going up, sourceforge download stats are up , also on the linux distro land and bsd side we are going well : packaged and ready to replace LAMP with FLAPS , firebird php driver is included in default php install on Windows

Of course, these are just my opinions about it. I really whould like to know yours. Why do you think so few developers are using Firebird today?


#ilovefs , #ilovefirebird:I Love Free Software Campaign , I love Firebird

Today is the day when you can share your love towards Firebird and the Free Software world (libreoffice , qt , debian)
There are lots of ways to declare one’s love… Here are some ideas on how you can go public and proclaim your love to Free Software/Firebird

  • Send active Free Software supporters a message thanking them for their work
  • Microblog about how you love Free Software, and tag those messages with #ilovefs/#ilovefirebird.
  • Hug a developer (ask permission first!)
  • Buy your favourite developer a drink. Or buy someone else a drink and while savouring it, tell him/her about your favorite Free Software application!

ps whey you search for i love firebird i have this example of trim function 🙂

select trim (‘la’ from ‘lalala I love Firebird’) from rdb$database
— returns ‘ I love Firebird’

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