Centric CRM preparing to support Firebird
Centric CRM – a web based open source CRM system – is being updated to support Firebird database, as you can see here. Thanks to Carlos Augusto for contributing with this news.
Centric CRM – a web based open source CRM system – is being updated to support Firebird database, as you can see here. Thanks to Carlos Augusto for contributing with this news.
The government is here to help open source by ZDNet‘s Dana Blankenhorn — Sounds like a win-win-win. Tell me it’s not.
How they will help scanning for security bugs in open source projects (firebird included)
You can now download the slides from Stefan Heymann’s talk “What Developers Should Know about Character Sets, Unicode etc.”.
It was presented at Firebird Conference 2005 .
Dmitri Kovalenko, LCPI wrote about unicode in September issue of The Firebird Developer Magazine:
Working with UNICODE in InterBase/Firebird
Related to unicode is Joel Spolsky’s article The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)
Ok, for you guys living in USA, Yahoo is testing a new alert service that is able to retrieve news from RSS feeds and send them direct to your cell phone using SMS. As you probably now, we have RSS in this site (check the sidebar) and so you can use Yahoo Alert service to monitor firebirdnews.org and send you SMS message when something new is posted! Very cool! You can register in Yahoo Mobile using this link.
An article on ComputerWeekly brings more details about the Homeland Security investment of US$ 1.24 million to build a “bug scanner” software to hunt for bugs on Open Source software, including Firebird database.
Business Objects, Cognos, Information Builders Inc., and SAS Institute are setting the standards in BI, according to Gartner's "Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms, 1Q06." The report cites SAS as having the most comprehensive BI platform in the industry. SAS, of course, is a Firebird user.
Read more here
The Firebird ADO.NET Data Provider 2.0 Beta 3 for Microsoft.NET 2.0 is
available for download.
Download information can be found here:
(Please read the Changelog for details)
Bug Fixes:
– Fixed problem with the FbDataAdapter design time support.
– Fixed TableAdapter integration in Visual Studio 2005 now the
tableadapters should have select, insert, update and delete commands
when requested.
– Fixed bugs in Indexes and Index columns schemas.
I saw firebird in the list of targets
“Through its Science and Technology Directorate, the department has
given $1.24 million in funding to Stanford University, Coverity and
Symantec to hunt for security bugs in open-source software and to
improve Coverity’s commercial tool for source code analysis,
representatives for the three grant recipients told CNET News.com.”
Open Source Convention is accepting proposals for the its next conference, scheduled to 24-28 July. There is a Database track, so if you think you have something good to show about Firebird, send your proposal using this link.
Here is part of a post from Josh Berkus:
As last year, me, Elein, Trudy and Arjen are the OSCON committee members specifically from the database community. We will be pursuing database talks in some specific in-demand areas.
UNLIKE prior years, this year we are seeking 45-min database sessions which emphasize practical utility and novel technology which will be directly useful to non-DBAs. In other words, case studies and
techniques which are targeted at the Perl, Ruby, Java, PHP, Web2.0 or other non-DBA programming communities, particularly complete implementations and case studies showing full applications and/or client code techniques are preferred.
This is part of a change in the OSCON program in which a session can be in multiple tracks, and there are no specific track quotas. It’s also a response to the legendarily low attendence of database talks in the past.
If you want to discuss potential submissions, contact any one of the committee members and we can give you feedback. Please share your ideas with us soon — the deadline is February 13th!
Megaterabyte databases are getting downright common. But with more real-time data, complex queries, and increasing numbers of sources, managing them is anything but routine. The amount of data stored by businesses nearly doubles every 12 to 18 months. And the very biggest probably triple every three years.
Read more here