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Firebird very well ranked inside Brazilian Java community

Specially in Brazil, it is known that Firebird is very strong inside the Delphi community. But a survey from Portal Java, a Java devoted Brazilian portal, shows that FB is very well positioned among the +2,380 Java users who had voted. Check the full ranking here.

PS: Unfortunatelly the survey option shows “InterBase/Firebird”. I hope survey/poll publishers start to understand that they are diferent products, and separate them in the next surveys.

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BDNTV recent aditions

There are two new InterBase presentations from the lastest Borland conference available for online watching:


First one is about new security features of InterBase.
Second one is about the usage of ADO.Net in Delphi 2006 with InterBase. Of course, almost all the info there can be applied to Firebird, since we have a Firebird .Net Provider!

Thanks Alexey for the links.

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Interesting article

Interesting article published on ComputerWorld: High-Speed Databases Rev Corporate Apps.

“…Some of the new products simply move the action from disk to memory, where access is a million times faster. Others are more radical departures from tradition, such as “streaming” technologies that store queries and pass data through them rather than run queries against stored data. Still others have found clever ways to sidestep much of the overhead — such as table locking — associated with the traditional RDBMS…”

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InstantObjects 2.0 beta 2 released

Nando Dessena is proud to announce the release of the second beta of the long-awaited version 2 of InstantObjects. Click here to download it.

Feedback: Please test this release and report back any problems in their newsgroups and trackers.

From the site: InstantObjects™ is the integrated framework for developing object-oriented business solutions in Borland Delphi™. The framework provides the foundation for the development process as well as the engine that powers the final application.

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