Database Development Forum – For Developers, By Developers

Upscene Productions and Arno Brinkman (Firebird core developer) started Database Development Forum, a place where developers can ask questions about database development. There are forums available for many different database engines and the idea is to start a community of developers that will ask and answer questions, all in a single website. You can register or anonymously ask questions, but registering has benefits – like getting e-mail notifications on answers.

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Firebird 2.0: Status Update

A few words to those interested in the v2.0 progress.

Currently we’re in the process of preparing the Beta 2 release. The CVS tree has been tagged a week ago, now the Release Notes are being updated. The binaries should be packaged soon. We did intend to release it earlier, but there were a few hard-to-track issues found in the codebase, so we had to solve them first. Also the final v1.5.3 release has been done at the same time. These are the reasons of the delay.

If nothing critical is reported in the near future, I expect that the next official build will be Release Candidate 1. We still have bugs reported quite regularly, but neither of recent bugreports mention database corruptions or server crashes, so it appears we can consider the codebase stable enough.

Please note that Release Candidate builds are intended to fix regressions only, there will be almost no old bugs fixed during this stage. Starting with RC1, our developers will switch their attention to the Vulcan merge and new features/improvements.

— Dmitry Yemanov

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Domino theory: DB2 will get free express version

Heisse Online reports that IBM will release a free (gratis) version of DB2 Express this month. The authors says that it is from a reliable, verified source in IBM. It worked like this: Firebird forced MS to release a free SQLServer (MSDE, later renamed Express) to compete in VB/Delphi space, Oracle had to match with the release of SQLServer2005 and now DB2 has to match Oracle. Isn't it amazing how a determined community can make giants jump?

Read more here

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Firebird mentioned on “Users get to the root of Linux security holes” article

An article posted on discusses the result of a survey where users had to compare Windows x Linux regarding many aspects, including their differences, strengths and weaknesses.

Firebird is mentioned in the article:

“On the flip side, Windows security IT professional Andy Canfield wrote about two security weaknesses in Linux that he thinks should be addressed.
Canfield is a member of Firebird Foundation Inc., which is a group that supports and advances the development of the open source Firebird relational database engine. He works on the Firebird Relational Database Project and is a long-time SuSE Linux user.”

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