IBM Introduces a Free (as in Beer) Version of DB2

This week IBM became the latest proprietary database vendor to add a free offering to their lineup, according to ZDNet:

It would be difficult to estimate the balance between appealing to developers and the influence of Open Source databases such as MySQL, but I would tend to believe that competetion from Postgres, Firebird, MySQL, et al. to be a significant factor in the decision to release free versions of proprietary databases.

Source for this news/blog of the day

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Firebird 1.5.3 PT_BR

Paulo Henrique Albanez informs that a non-oficial version of Firebird 1.5.3 for Windows, with supports to collate PT_BR (case insensitive) is available for download here. A Linux version will be available shortly.

This version is mainly for brazilians and other portuguese speakers people who wants to get the benefits of case/accent insensitive collation for ISO8859_1/WIN1252 charsets, while FB 2.0 is not released.

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Security Hot Issue for Open-Source Database Developers

Open-source database deployments rose dramatically in the last half of 2005, and as one might expect, as more IT pros get acquainted with these non-proprietary systems, security is a chief concern. Open-source database makers like MySQL and PostgreSQL [ED: and Firebird] simply must answer some of the most prevalent security-related questions in order to win more market share.

One of those questions is, with recent headlines suggesting customer data stored on organizational databases is at risk, should those who opt for open-source database applications be worried? Not according to data suggesting proprietary database software is breached more often. But data alone is not enough. What IT executives really want to know is what specific technological security precautions open-source DB developers need to take.

“We continue to see the maturation of open-source databases reflected by the continually increasing levels of adoption,” said John Andrews, President, Evans Data. “In a number of our ratings categories, we’re seeing open-source databases meeting or exceeding proprietary databases.”

Read this full article at TechNewsWorld

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New list: firebird-job-board

Hello all,

A new list has been started on Yahoogroups – a job board for devs
with Firebird skills and for employers looking for them. 🙂

It’s a pretty tightly moderated list.

You can look it up from the Lists and News Groups page of our main
website, or go straight there if you like.

All you’ll see in the archives right now is a couple of messages
posted by Calin Pirtea, who’s helping with the
moderation. (Actually, you won’t see the archives at all if you’re
not a member…)

Feel free to link to the list from your own websites. It all helps
for getting us “out there”.


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Compiere to try Derby

Compiere will try to port its ERP suite to Derby. Currently database choice is limited to Oracle and Fyracle (Oracle-mode Firebird). Earlier attempts to port to Postgres and Sybase were effectively abandoned. It will be interesting to see if Derby joins the list of working ports towards the end of this year.

Read more here

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Database Development Forum – For Developers, By Developers

Upscene Productions and Arno Brinkman (Firebird core developer) started Database Development Forum, a place where developers can ask questions about database development. There are forums available for many different database engines and the idea is to start a community of developers that will ask and answer questions, all in a single website. You can register or anonymously ask questions, but registering has benefits – like getting e-mail notifications on answers.

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