firebird in shutdown mode
Shutdown mode prevents everyone other than SYSDBA and the owner from
This allows you to safely run metadata scripts etc and be sure no-one
else is connected while this happens.
Shutdown mode prevents everyone other than SYSDBA and the owner from
This allows you to safely run metadata scripts etc and be sure no-one
else is connected while this happens.
The software author wrote in his blog:
“Yesterday I’ve uploaded a small maintenance release of dbdesc.”
These are the changes and bug fixes since version 1.4″
This statement is base on my experience, so maybe it’s not true for you. Firebird version that I know for the first time is 1.0 version, since then I fall in love with Firebird (FB).
Read more on this blog
Updated snapshots and builds of the Firebird ODBC Driver (V2.0.0129 and V1.3.0093) are available.
Australian Delphi User Group Symposium – La Trobe University, Melbourne. Helen Borrie will be giving a session on: Sweet-talking Firebird with Delphi
Aviram Jenik and Damyan Ivanov discovered a buffer overflow in firebird2, an RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code, that allows remote attackers to crash.
In the latest Edition of IBExpert, we added some new modules, on is
a database script with a simple sales database, that creates its test
data from a stored procedure.
now i had some time to test it against fb153, fb2b2 (and ib751)
What does it do: first it creates a almost empty database with just
some entries in helptables. after the database is created, you have to
start one procedure and wait for the time it takes.
Proper handling of the return values when calling a stored procedure from another stored procedure can be tricky. Here is the overview of the syntax.
This release includes support for SQL Server 2005 and Firebird 1.5.
The Job Scheduler runs executable files, shell scripts, and database procedures automatically (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, SQL Server, Oracle, and DB2). It processes sequential and parallel tasks and job chains, provides an API for job implementation with Java, Javascript, VBScript, and Perl, and exposes jobs as Web services.
Release focus: Major feature enhancements
I their latest issue, Bosnian IT magazine INFO published an article about TAMP Project (where I work), and this is one of Firebird success stories…
I have scanned those 3 pages (Bosnian language), and our translator have translated article to English (HTML)
Part of this article is Interview with Federal Tax Administration Director
Contributed by Fikret Hasovic on website