Database workbench 2.8.5 released

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the next version of the popular database development tool:

Database Workbench 2.8.5 has been released today!

Download a trial at:
What’s new?:
Full list of features and fixes:

Database Workbench supports:

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Firebird source code reviews

Recently, Coverity presented their first results in their scanning technology that hunts for defects in source code. One of the addressed projects was Firebird. After Roman Rokytskyy reviewed the results, he concluded the failures are in two areas:

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Firebird reviewed in Brazilian magazine

Coleção Info – a Brazilian publication that focus on specific diferent subjects at each edition, just released a new edition focused on Databases. Firebird is in the list of reviewed products and got a final score of 7.4.

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Let there be Fire – morfik site revamped , WebOS AppsBuilder released

Today I was glad to see the new website of Morfik Technology was unveiled. Along with a totally redesigned web site, comes the public release of a test version of the their WebOS AppsBuilder tool. These transformations probably reflect a move by Morfik, to bring the development of the WebOS AppsBuilder into the light, after being kept in the shadows for quite some time.

Ed:if you don’t know what is the link between firebird and morfik here is an e-mail interview with the Morfik team

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